How do I connect the battery to the charger?
Machine operation

How do I connect the battery to the charger?

The battery can be drained if the car radio is left on for too long, the lights are on, or the doors do not close properly. It also happens that temperature changes (from plus to minus) deprive him of energy - especially in winter. How to charge the battery with a charger so as not to damage it and, even worse, not explode? We advise!

What will you learn from this post?

  • How do I know if my battery is low?
  • How to ensure your safety while charging the battery?
  • How do I charge the battery with the charger?
  • How do I take care of my battery?

Shortly speaking

Your battery is dead and you want to charge it with a charger? Before you start this lesson, you should take care of your own safety - check the electrolyte level, put on rubber gloves and remember the procedure for disconnecting the clamps (start with the marked minus). The charger will tell you what power is suitable for your battery. Remember that it needs to be charged for several hours, and preferably several hours.

Discharged battery

How do I know if my battery is low? firstly - you turn the key in the ignition and do not hear the characteristic sound of a running engine. Secondly - conflicting messages appear on your dashboard. In addition, you realize that you have left the electronics or door on for several hours. If everything matches the description, it is highly likely that your vehicle's battery has run out. The engine usually does not respond when its voltage is below 9 V. Then the controller will not allow the starter to start.

How do I connect the battery to the charger?


Safety is the foundation when performing activities related to the vehicle. remember this When the charger is connected to the battery, toxic, flammable hydrogen is generated. – Therefore, the charging area must be well ventilated. It is also worth getting professional gloves that will additionally protect you in case of a corrosive acid leak. electrolyte... Make sure the level is within the plug marked on the cell body. Isn't that enough? Just add distilled water. If you've never done this, be sure to check the entry How do I check the battery status? For a detailed description of this operation.

How do I connect the battery to the charger?

Charging the battery - what you need to know?

The battery charges faster when it is warmtherefore it is recommended to do this in the garage. You can quickly charge the battery (about 15 minutes) when in a rush to work. However, remember to reconnect the charger after returning from work. Both undercharging and overcharging are dangerous for the battery. It should fill slowly, so it is best to connect it to the car for about 11 hours. If it’s more convenient for you, you can remove the battery from the car (after disconnecting it from the installation).

Nocar Mini Guide:

  1. Unscrew the negative (usually black or blue) and then the positive (red) terminal on the battery. If in doubt about the poles, check the graphic (+) and (-) markings. Why is this sequence important? This will disconnect all metal parts from the that there is no spark or short circuit when unscrewing the right screw.
  2. Connect the charger clamps (negative to negative, positive to positive) to the battery. ANDInformation on how to adjust the charging power according to its capacity can be found on the charger. In turn, you can find out about the nominal power of the battery by the inscription on the case. This is usually 12V, but care should be taken not to damage the device. 
  3. Plug the charger into a power outlet. 
  4. Check every few hours to make sure the battery is already charged. By reconnecting the battery to the vehicle electronics, follow the reverse order – first tighten the positive and then the negative clamp.

How do I connect the battery to the charger?

How do I take care of my battery?

The best solution is not to expose the battery to sudden changes in temperature and keep the car in the garage. It's worth it make a habit of checkingwhether the electronics are turned off - by discharging the battery, we shorten its service life. As a preventive measure, when the temperature approaches zero, charge the battery. - the rectifier will work reliably here. If your car's battery is over 5 years old and is constantly losing charge, it's time to consider a new battery.

Take care of your battery with,

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