How to always keep the car windows clean in the autumn bad weather
Useful tips for motorists

How to always keep the car windows clean in the autumn bad weather

Autumn is not only a golden time and "Indian summer". Short daylight hours and long rains, mud and the first frosts make this time of year a real test for many motorists. And it's not just about comfort, it's also about safety. After all, an opaque windshield, generously flavored with precipitation, and eternally cloudy, poorly illuminating the road and the roadside headlights regularly lead to trouble. How to deal with all this horror, the AvtoVzglyad portal reminds.

Regular washing, alas, will not give a result. And few people will drive the car to the “hose meeting” twice or thrice a day. More serious and smarter means are needed. For example, anti-rain is a chemistry that removes water and dirt from surfaces. A bottle lasts about a week, and then a new application is required and, therefore, a new trip to the store. A decent remedy will cost 400-500 rubles for 300 ml or two weeks of ease of use. Is it a lot or a little? Many!

Especially considering that every car owner can make a simple and reliable tool, keeping within just 100 rubles. Moreover, the vast majority of motorists will do without spending at all, because all the necessary ingredients have long been covered with dust at home or in the garage.

The composition that we are going to apply is simple and accessible, like all great things: an ordinary paraffin candle, a vegetable grater, which is not a pity, half a glass of white spirit and half an aluminum can.

How to always keep the car windows clean in the autumn bad weather

First of all, you need to finely rub the paraffin, so that it melts and mixes more easily. Then we combine the resulting "cut" with the solvent in our makeshift beaker and mix well. To speed up the process, you can warm up the “flask” a little: a building hair dryer will do for this. As soon as the substance becomes homogeneous and resembles PVA glue in viscosity, it can be applied.

The secret is that white spirit evaporates very quickly, leaving only a thin layer of paraffin on the surface. We need it to create a protective coating. It’s better to start with headlights and lanterns, and when your “hand is stuffed” - you can move on to side windows and mirrors. Let's leave the windshield for "sweet": due to the complexity and duration of the work, it is recommended to process it separately, after a break. Excess paraffin will interfere with the review and operation of the wipers, so before proceeding with the main automobile “visor”, you need to gain some experience and knowledge.

"People's anti-rain" allows the windshield and side windows, mirrors and headlights to stay clean for a long time, which greatly simplifies autumn car routes.

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