How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Spark plugs are found on gasoline engines. If your spark plugs are faulty, you run the risk of an engine malfunction. We'll look at the questions you ask yourself about spark plugs, such as how do you know if the spark plugs are dead?

🚗 How does a spark plug work?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Spark plugs are found on gasoline engines. The spark plugs are found in the cylinders, they are the source of the spark, which then allows the air-gasoline mixture to burn. The better the spark quality, the more powerful and agile your engine will be. Therefore, you must understand that if the spark plug shows signs of loosening, the spark will not be optimal and your engine could be damaged.

🗓️ How long does a spark plug last?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Spark plugs in your car have quite different lifespans depending on maintenance and use. On average, you still need to check your spark plugs every 45 kilometers. The more you check them regularly, the more you will increase their lifespan. We still recommend that you check your vehicle's service book to find out when to check your spark plugs.

?? How do you know if your car's spark plugs are not working?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

As we told you a little earlier, spark plugs are the source of the spark that starts the combustion of the air-fuel mixture. Your engine will not start without them. But if they are faulty, you may also encounter certain difficulties while driving. Here are the main symptoms to tell you if your spark plugs are dead.

You have problems with acceleration

This is one of the first symptoms to check. If your spark plug or one of its components is defective, the fired spark will not be as powerful as usual and therefore can cause acceleration problems. However, there may be other explanations for the engine power problem, such as a fuel filter, injectors, or even oxygen sensors. It is best for the problem to be quickly assessed by a mechanic.

Are you having trouble getting started

If your spark plugs are dirty or the ignition wires are damaged, the spark will not fire properly and your engine will not receive enough power to start. Be careful, the starting issue can also be due to a faulty battery or alternator, so see a professional to diagnose the problem.

Your engine is intermittent

If your engine is misfiring (jerking), you may hear unusual noises when starting or accelerating. Ignition misfires are often caused by a poor connection between the spark plug and ignition wires or a sensor malfunction.

You consume more fuel

If you notice that fuel consumption has increased abnormally, it could be due to a malfunctioning spark plug. On average, if your spark plugs are faulty, you are consuming 30% more fuel, which can increase your bill when you approach the pump, so be careful.

In any case, if you notice any of these symptoms, do not delay and see your vehicle's diagnostician to make sure the problem is with the spark plugs.

🔧 How do I replace the spark plug?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

If you are good at mechanics, you can start replacing spark plugs. Here's a guide that shows you step by step how to do it. To complete this tutorial, you will need the following material:

  • Torque wrench
  • Spark plug wrench
  • Ratchet wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • the cloth

Step 1. Find the candles

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

First of all, do not forget to let the engine cool down before carrying out any manipulations, otherwise you risk getting burned. Then open the hood and locate the spark plugs on the engine. To find out exactly where your spark plugs are located, refer to the service booklet provided by your manufacturer. Check that the new spark plugs are identical to the faulty ones, then disconnect the spark plugs from the wires. Remember which cylinder each spark plug belongs to, or replace spark plugs one by one to avoid getting the wrong order.

Step 2: unscrew the candles

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

You will need a torque wrench. Unscrew the spark plugs and manually complete the job. Then wipe the spark plug socket with a cloth.

Step 3: Screw on new spark plugs.

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Now screw all new spark plugs into their respective holes. Then follow the instructions in the service manual to complete screwing the nut and thus secure the spark plugs.

Step 4. Replace connectors.

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Once the spark plug is secured, you can reconnect the connector corresponding to each spark plug.

Step 5: check the engine

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

Switch on the ignition and start the engine, carefully check if any unusual noises are still heard. If your engine is running fine, you are done replacing your spark plugs!

?? How much does it cost to replace spark plugs?

How do you know if your spark plugs are dead?

On average, it costs around 40 euros to replace spark plugs in a garage. This price may vary depending on your vehicle model and type of spark plugs.

For an accurate price quote, you can use our online garage comparator and have a list of the best garages near you for spark plug replacement!

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