How to get mold out of a car

How to get mold out of a car

Protective items such as latex gloves and clear goggles must be used to remove mildew from the car body.

Although it seems incredible, mold can also appear on the body of the car and more if you have not used it for a while. 

No matter how harmful mold is, it can be removed quickly and easily. 

Here we will show you how:

  • Dampen a cloth with hot water and add a few drops of olive oil. This will prevent damage to the paint when using a wool swab. 
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe the area of ​​the body where mold is present.
  • Wipe off the mold with a wool polishing pad. Wipe with light force and in a circular motion to remove as much mold as possible.
  • Add white spirit to another rag
  • Wipe the area where the mold was with a rag. Let the white spirit do its thing for 10 seconds. 
  • Clean the area with a dry cloth or towel.
  • The white spirit will work to kill the mold where the gasket hasn't reached. 
  • Finally, use another dry rag with a few drops of white vinegar to clean all areas. Vinegar helps prevent future mold growth.
  • You must not forget that when doing this work you must use protection elements such as latex gloves and transparent lenses. 

    This It is a fungus that is found both outdoors and in humid places with low light. Mold grows best in warm, moist conditions; They reproduce and spread by spores. Mold spores can survive in a variety of environmental conditions, including extreme dryness, even though this does not support their normal growth.

    Black mold is toxic and has a long list of unpleasant health symptoms that it can also cause, including fatigue and weakness, headaches, poor memory, shortness of breath, stomach pain and bloating, and can even cause some dangerous allergic reactions. In the worst case, mold can even kill you, so if it's growing anywhere on your car, it should be removed as soon as possible.

    Mold needs only a small amount of moisture to grow and may only take a few days to colonize, but only after the mold has appeared on your car. Professional cleaning may be the only option in some cases.


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