How to take away the rights after deprivation? Where to apply for a driver's license?
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How to take away the rights after deprivation? Where to apply for a driver's license?

The most terrible punishment for any driver is deprivation of rights for violation of traffic rules. We already wrote on that the Code of Administrative Offenses contains a number of articles according to which the driver's license is taken away for various periods - from several months to two years.

You can be deprived of your rights for a number of violations:

  • you exceeded the speed limit by more than 60 km/h;
  • drive with obviously false license plates or forged documents;
  • passage to a prohibiting traffic light in case of repeated violation, and so on.

Of course, the most common cause is drunk driving. According to this article, you can get caught even if you drank a little beer or vodka last night, and the alcohol has not completely left the body.

Be that as it may, but the deprivation of rights is a temporary measure and most adequate motorists are aware of their guilt, and in the future they try not to violate it anymore. All of them face the same questions - how to take away the rights after deprivation, whether it is possible to return them ahead of schedule, what will happen if you do not pass the VU on time or do not pick it up on time.

How to take away the rights after deprivation? Where to apply for a driver's license?

We have already answered many of these questions on So, if you do not hand over the certificate after the court makes a decision on deprivation, you will have two options:

  • even more severe punishment if it turns out that the driver still continues to drive;
  • the term will begin to count from the moment you hand over the rights to the inspector.

About early return at the moment it is not legally possible. If the court confirmed the correctness of the decision made by the inspector, it is possible to take away the VU, except perhaps through a bribe or by forging a document. But this is a completely different article, and the punishment is provided for by the Criminal Code - up to two years in prison.

The procedure for the return of rights after deprivation

In 2013, significant changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. So, now the inspector has no right to take away the VU from you directly at the site of the violation. Now these questions are in the competence of the judge.

Your case is sent to court, where it is carefully considered and discussed. This is used by many car owners, hiring good auto lawyers. A qualified specialist will always find flaws and errors on the part of the inspector.

Even if the first case is lost, you have ten days to file an appeal. All this time you can safely drive your car behind the wheel. If the appeal did not help, according to the law, you are given 3 days to hand over your rights to the traffic police unit, about which you will be issued an appropriate certificate.

Now it remains only to correctly calculate the return period. In principle, the appeal exactly the same day is not so important, since the VU is stored in the archive for three years after the expiration of the deprivation period.

How to take away the rights after deprivation? Where to apply for a driver's license?

According to the amendments to the law on road safety that have come into force, all disenfranchised are required to prepare well for passing the theoretical exam on traffic rules. Practice is not required. You can apply for this exam 2 weeks before the deadline. Everything goes according to the usual scheme: 20 questions, 20 minutes are given for everything. If you passed, then you can return the WU without any problems, but if you failed, get ready for a re-examination in 7 days.

Another issue is the medical certificate. The medical certificate is valid for 2 years, for some categories (disabled people, people with poor eyesight, truck drivers or passenger transport) other standards are established. At the moment, a certificate is needed only for those who have been deprived of their rights for driving while intoxicated..

In any case, you will still need a medical certificate, for example, to obtain a new driver's license.

You also need to submit some documents:

  • your personal passport;
  • court statement;
  • a copy of the document on the delivery of the VU to the traffic police unit.

Well, there was another rule - you should not have debts for fines for violation of traffic regulations. Therefore, you need to go to the official website of the traffic police and check if you have fines. How to do this, we also wrote on You can also pay for them online.

New draft laws are also being developed, for example, that VU will not be returned to drivers with alimony debts or with overdue loan obligations to banks.

If you handed over the rights in another city, you can go in two ways:

  • send a request to the local traffic police department - the whole process will take about 2 weeks;
  • personally go to another city.

How to take away the rights after deprivation? Where to apply for a driver's license?

As you can see, it is quite simple to take away the rights after deprivation: pass the exam normally, bring the necessary documents, wait until the end of the term. Next time, try not to violate traffic rules, so as not to change to public transport again.


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