How to protect the machine from corrosion?
Machine operation

How to protect the machine from corrosion?

Corroding a car is no fun. Old cars are especially affected, but not only. The car chassis is the most susceptible to corrosion. During the movement, he receives hundreds of hits with stones, and water with sand and mud washes away the original anti-corrosion protection. Rust not only distorts the aesthetic impression, but is also associated with high repair costs. What can be done to prevent corrosion? We advise.

On warm days, think about winter

Autumn and winter are extremely unfavorable times for our cars. Most rust appears after road salt contributes to the formation of rust build-up. With the onset of spring, we usually start cleaning the car from residual dirt. It is then that we notice the biggest change in the paintwork, which until now has been hidden under a layer of dried mud. Before the fall and winter rainy and snowy days come, let's try to think how protect our car from progressive corrosion.

How to protect the machine from corrosion?

Protect yourself!

If rust spots are absent or small and few, we can try to protect the chassis and car body from corrosion by yourself... To do this comprehensively, let's try First, clear the places where we see the "ore". If they are really small, we can do it chemically. However, if these are large fires, you need a specific location. scrape or sand itand then secure. After such treatment, it's time to secure the car! Choose a warm and dry day for the entire operation. Surely we should earlier wash the car thoroughly... A special preparation should be used to protect the car from rust. There are products and substances on the market based on wax and body oils. petroleum products and fluidol for chassis... You can choose a spray gun or one that you need a spray gun to apply. Anticorrosive agents act by penetrating the foci of corrosion and displacing moisture.... They create a special coating that retains its properties for up to two years, after which the protection must be renewed.

Remember! An anti-corrosion agent must be applied. be very careful (especially when securing the undercarriage). Well, corrosion inhibitors can damage other components of the carTherefore, all rubber covers, brakes or linings must be well covered (eg with foil). And after applying the drug, wash it off if it gets into an unwanted place.

How to protect the machine from corrosion?

Ask a specialist

If we are not sure if we will do good chassis and body maintenance ourselves, we will give the operation to a specialist... Of course, this is costly, but professionals usually have specialized equipment and know how to apply the sample correctly. Before we make a decision to transfer the car to the service station, let's look for opinions on the mechanics we choose... There are factories that pay great attention to professional performance of anti-corrosion protection... Most importantly, a good mechanic has the right tool. In the workshop, a rust inhibitor is usually made from a skillfully prepared mixture of various products - for example, wax and oil. And then, with the help of a compressor with a gun and a narrow probe, they reach the most inaccessible places, forcing the preparation. We must obtain a guarantee for such an operation carried out by a specialist.

How to protect the machine from corrosion?

Protect from the elements

At any time of the year, especially in winter, frequent and thorough car wash is very important. We wash off sand, dirt and pebbles from the chassis and the joints of the elements. Care should be taken to wash the car regularly - the friction of particles on the paintwork and elements covered with maintenance create microdamages that eventually turn into rust pockets. When washing the car first let's wash off the dirt (without touching the machine with your hands), and only in the next step use a sponge with shampoo. Let's not kid ourselves that the rain will wash the dirt off our car - nothing beats clean water and a sponge and shampoo, not even washing the car. The more persistence and regularity we put into cleaning the car, the longer it will resist the "redhead".

How to protect the machine from corrosion?

Corrosion protection makes sense! Thus, we can extend the service life of our machine even by several years. However, this must be done wisely. Improper application of anti-corrosion agents can aggravate the situation and damage other components of our vehicle. If you are worried about applying the corrosion inhibitor yourself, take the vehicle over to a professional, preferably someone who has been tested and warranted the service.

Spring is in full swing! It's time to take care of your cars! Change filters, oil and check the condition of the paintwork and chassis. It's a lot of fun to tinker with the car on warm days, isn't it? You can find accessories for your vehicles at I - only good products, proven brands.

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