How to start a car in winter?
Machine operation

How to start a car in winter?

How to start a car in winter? Winter engine start is always accompanied by some unpleasant circumstance. The period during which the plant operates at too low a temperature is certainly too long.

Winter engine start is always accompanied by some unpleasant circumstance. The period during which the plant operates at too low a temperature is certainly too long.

The truth is that if our car engines were always running at optimum temperatures, wear would be minimal and the miles to be repaired (or replaced) would be in the millions of miles. The operating temperature of the engine is approximately 90 - 100°C. But this is also a simplification.

During operation, the engine has such a body and coolant temperature - in the places where this temperature is measured. But in the area of ​​\u90b\uXNUMXbthe combustion chamber and exhaust tract, the temperature is of course higher. On the other hand, the temperature is definitely lower on the inlet side. The temperature of the oil in the sump changes. Ideally, it should be around XNUMX°C, but this value is usually not reached on cold days if the installation is minimally loaded.

A cold engine must reach operating temperature as quickly as possible in order for the oil to reach the right place. Moreover, all the processes taking place in the engine (mainly the mixing of fuel with air) will take place properly when the temperature is already established.

Drivers should warm up their engines as quickly as possible, especially in winter. Even if a suitable thermostat in the cooling system is responsible for properly warming up the engine, it will be faster on an engine running under load, and slower at idle. Sometimes - definitely too slowly, so much so that the engine in neutral does not warm up at all.

Therefore, it is a mistake to "warm up" the engine in the parking lot. A much better method is to wait only a dozen or so seconds after starting (the still warm oil will begin to lubricate what it should), and then start and drive with a moderate load on the engine. This means driving without hard accelerations and high engine speeds, but still determined. Thus, the cold running time of the engine will be reduced and the uncontrolled wear of the unit will be low.

At the same time, the time during which the engine will use up an excess amount of fuel (given by the starting device in such a dose that it can work at all) will also turn out to be small. Also, environmental pollution with extremely toxic exhaust gases will decrease (the catalytic converter practically does not work on a cold exhaust gas converter).

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