How does hot weather affect car hoses?
Auto repair

How does hot weather affect car hoses?

Hoses are vital to the operation of your engine. They direct vital fluids from one part to another. There are several important systems under the hood that use hoses, but one of the most important (and most prone to damage) is your coolant system.

Winter and summer are the two most common periods of hose failure for one single reason: extreme temperatures.

Both extreme heat and extreme cold accelerate wear on your hoses by increasing the rate of expansion and contraction.

  • In winter, accelerated wear occurs due to rapid cooling and contraction.

  • In summer, rapid heating and expansion can accelerate wear.

When heated, the hoses expand. This can lead to cracking as well as weak spots that develop into blisters or blisters over time. If your hoses are old and already worn out, there is a good chance that they will be damaged and possibly even fail.

Proper maintenance and inspections are vital to ensure that your hoses can withstand the high temperatures during the summer months. Make sure your hoses are checked at every service. They should not show visible cracks, blisters, or blisters, and should be firm, not soft or "soft". They shouldn't feel "crackly" either. Both are signs of impending failure.

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