Which Used Compact Cars We DO NOT Recommend

Which Used Compact Cars We DO NOT Recommend

Sometimes the best way to offer useful information is to present all aspects of a particular topic, so in this case we will talk about used compact cars that are least recommended to our users.

While we generally strive to recommend you some of the best vehicles, new or used, on the automotive market, there are times when we are forced to help you avoid other vehicles with a dubious reputation.

Exactly because of this reason today we'll focus on showing you the cars we recommend against buying based on the opinions of users who have used them on platforms like Cars US News and Motorbiscuit..

So we start our tally of the compact used cars we recommend avoiding in 2021:

1- Dodge Caravan 2007

The car of this brand has a number of initial disadvantages, which begin with the low power generated by the 4-cylinder engine. This particular point is quite relevant because vans of this type tend to have a bit more power for the number of people they usually carry at once.

Another user complaint is related to the "cheap" interior materials, as well as limited space in the trunk. Cars US News magazine gave this car a final score of 5.2 out of 10.

2- Mitsubishi Mirage 2019

The Japanese firm Mitsubishi usually specializes in trucks, but its Mirage model was one of the first attempts to create compact cars.

Mirage has a fairly low price compared to other cars of this type on the market, but this is its only advantage. Interior materials, weak engine and lack of modern safety features make it one of the least recommended vehicles for our users.

Additionally, this car can only make 78 horsepower, which is one of the most underpowered cars we've ever reviewed.

3- Dodge Avenger 2008

Finally, there's the Avenger, which received a 5.5 out of 10 in Cars US News for various shortcomings.

Among them, its users noted the lack of development, trunk and refined styling that were present in the composition of other cars of this type produced during 2008.


It is important to emphasize that each of these vehicles can meet the requirements of a particular user, in addition, all reviews are subjective and in this case they are formed from the opinions of users on other platforms specialized in vehicles.

Finally, the brands mentioned above have models with a much better track record that we have reviewed in previous posts.


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