Ceramizer for the engine - what is it and how does it work?
Machine operation

Ceramizer for the engine - what is it and how does it work?

Do you want to protect your car's engine and ensure long and efficient operation? Engine oil alone is not enough. To regenerate the metal surfaces of the drive, use a ceramizer - a preparation that allows you to regenerate the inside of the engine without disassembling it. Magic? No - pure science! Find out how it works and why you should try it!

What will you learn from this post?

  • What is a ceramicizer?
  • Why use an engine ceramicizer?
  • What motors can the Ceramizer be used with?
  • How to use a ceramicizer?

Shortly speaking

Ceramizer is a preparation that is applied through the engine oil filler neck. During the operation of the drive unit, it is distributed within the drive unit. The ceramizer creates a protective layer there that prevents abrasion and damage to engine components and thereby improves engine performance. Ceramizer can be used independently without disassembling the engine.

What is a ceramicizer?

Time for no mercy for internal combustion engines. High temperatures, high dynamics of work, fuel clogging - all this leads to gradual wear and deformation of the metal elements of the power unit. There are various types of microdefects and losses that adversely affect the operation of the drive unit.

A drug called a ceramizer was created to protect the engine from damage. How it works? The ceramicizer particles diffuse and combine with metal particles moving in the oil from the elements that make up the engine. A protective layer forms on the surface of the engine. Ceramic coating has a much lower coefficient of friction than metal elements, which means it remains smooth and protective for longer.

On avtotachki.com you will find ceramicisers for two-stroke and truck engines, as well as for standard four-stroke, diesel and gas installations.

Why use a ceramicizer?

Ceramizer undoubtedly rejuvenates the engine. Its use is of great importance for economic reasons: by reducing friction and increasing engine efficiency, allows you to reduce fuel consumption by up to 15%! Obviously protects and slows down wear mechanical components of the drive unit. It has a positive effect on the driving culture: it soothes and smoothes the engine, improves driving dynamics. It also makes starting a cold engine easier.

The big advantage of using the Ceramizer is that it does not require the transfer of the machine to a mechanic. The drug can be applied without much difficulty. You won't have to wait long for the effects! With its efficient operation, the operation of the engine not only does not interfere, but even helps, and the benefits are noticeable after about 200 km from the moment the product is applied.

How to use a ceramicizer?

Using a ceramizer is one of the easiest tricks in the automotive industry. This does not require any specialized tools or an adapted workshop. The whole task can be described in 5 steps:

  1. Warm up the engine to 80-90 degrees (about 15 minutes at idle speed).
  2. Stop the engine.
  3. Pour the required amount of ceramicizer into the oil filler neck. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proportions.
  4. Start the engine again and let the machine run for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Drive slowly and at low revs for about 200 km so that the drug is distributed inside the engine and starts to work.

You just need to remember one thing: the oil cannot be changed during the ceramization process (this takes about 1,5 thousand km). It is best to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations in this regard and adhere to the deadline set for the previous replacement at the service center. In short: plan the application of the ceramicizer so that you can overcome 1,5. km before reaching the workshop again.

Ceramizer for the engine - what is it and how does it work?

Remember, the ceramicizer supports the protection and restoration of minor engine damage, but it is not a magic bullet for neutralizing any malfunction! At Nocara, we believe prevention is better than cure, which is why we recommend that you regular checks and replacement of damaged components... Everything you need for a safe, comfortable and economical ride can be found on the website. autotachki.com!


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