Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
Tips for motorists

Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost

It's not very pleasant when your own car starts to shock. This happens during boarding or disembarking, when a person touches the metal parts of the body, and it can also happen inside the cabin when touching various elements. Although the force of impact is small, but tangible. Static electricity is to blame, and so that it does not accumulate, it is enough to install an antistatic agent.

What is antistatic for a car and what is it

Automotive antistatic is a thin rubber strip with a metal conductor inside. Some car owners do not attach importance to this element, as they consider it an ordinary decor. They are greatly mistaken, since car antistatic is designed to eliminate the electrical charge that accumulates while driving from the car body. Static electricity is generated by the friction of the body against air and dust particles. The specified element is attached to the rear of the car.

In addition to the electricity that accumulates in a car, it also accumulates on a person’s clothes. From this car antistatic does not save.

Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
Antistatic agent is designed to eliminate electric charge from the car body

Types of antistatic agent:

  • body - rubber strip with a metal core. It is attached to the body of the car;
    Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
    Body antistatic is a rubber strip with a metal core
  • salon - spray, it is applied to clothes, seats and upholstery;
    Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
    Cabin antistatic spray applied to clothing, seats and upholstery
  • antistatic keychain. This is a compact device that is attached to the keys and is always at hand. It is enough to attach it to the car body, the conductive polymer will remove static voltage, which will be indicated by the indicator.
    Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
    The anti-static key fob helps to remove static electricity from the car body and other elements.

The discharge force is small, so electricity cannot injure a person. The danger is that with such a blow, a reflex movement occurs and, depending on the situation, this can lead to injury. An antistatic ground electrode must be installed on vehicles carrying flammable goods. In addition, during refueling a car, a spark can slip between the body and the gun and a fire can occur, so experts recommend installing an antistatic agent on all cars.

Advantages of installing an antistatic agent:

  • the car stops shocking;
  • increased safety during refueling;
  • less dust accumulates on the machine, since static electricity is absent and does not attract it.

This element has no disadvantages. It can be noted that it wears out relatively quickly, but due to the low cost of the antistatic agent (it is 120–250 rubles), this disadvantage is insignificant. Maximum protection against the accumulation of static electricity in a car is achieved through the complex use of body and interior antistatic agents.

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself antistatic keychain

How to make an anti-static car keychain

Is it possible to make antistatic with your own hands

You can buy car antistatic at any auto shop. Its disadvantage is that rather quickly a thin metal plate inside the rubber strip becomes corroded, so the contact between the body and the ground is interrupted. After that, the antistatic agent turns into a useless element, since it does not protect the body from the accumulation of static electricity. You can buy a new item, but its validity period will also be short. It is much easier to make a do-it-yourself car antistatic agent, then you will get durable and effective protection against the accumulation of static electricity on the car.

To create a do-it-yourself antistatic you will need:

Work order:

  1. We remove the old antistatic agent from the car.
  2. We measure the length of the cable or chain so that they reach from the body to the ground. If the cable is braided, then it must be removed from one end to ensure metal-to-metal contact.
    Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
    The chain must reach the ground to ensure contact with the car body.
  3. We fix the chain or cable to the rubber antistatic agent using clamps.
    Panicles under the trunk or antistatic - what are they for and how to do it at no cost
    The chain to the rubber base is fixed with clamps
  4. We install a ready-made antistatic agent on the car.

Such an automotive antistatic agent effectively performs its functions, and its service life is many times longer than that purchased in a store. You can just install a metal chain, but it does not look very attractive.

Video: how to make antistatic yourself

How to install and fix antistatic on a car

When buying or creating an antistatic agent with your own hands, you must take into account its length. The grounding conductor must reach from the body to the ground, plus a few centimeters of margin.

The installation process is simple and requires a minimum of time, this can be done in two ways:

  1. With the removal of the bumper. We dismantle the rear bumper. In most cars, it is plastic, and we need contact with a metal part of the body. We attach the antistatic agent to the bolt on the body, treat this place with an anti-corrosion compound and install the bumper in place.
  2. No bumper removal. You can leave the bumper off. In this case, we unscrew the bumper mounting nut and put a curved plate on the antistatic mount onto the bolt. To ensure good contact, we clean the bolt from rust. After installing the antistatic, put on the washer and fix the nut.

Both methods allow you to quickly install antistatic on the car. In any case, it is necessary to ensure reliable contact between the ground electrode and the body. The other end must touch the ground, otherwise there will be no effect from such an element.

Car antistatic is a useful and convenient element that helps fight static electricity. Modern manufacturers offer it when buying a new car and make a special mount for it. Be prepared for the fact that the shop ground electrode will last you no more than a year, but you can always make it yourself, then the service life of such an element will be much longer.

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