Can the Tesla Model 3 single-handed overtake on autopilot? Maybe if a person is watching him [video]
Electric cars

Can the Tesla Model 3 single-handed overtake on autopilot? Maybe if a person is watching him [video]

One of our readers, Mr. Daniel, who lives in the United States, recorded how the Tesla Model 3 outruns other cars on its own when traveling on autopilot. The car needed only a little human intervention: signaling with a turn signal lever that it was ready to start and end the operation.

Only a little human control is required for the car to start overtaking on autopilot. Tesla will ask us to move the indicator lever to the left (down) and inform us about changing lanes to a faster one.

> NETHERLANDS. Tesla Model 3 sales are better than BMW 3 Series. Record jump at the end of the month

After the overtaking process is over and there are no more cars in sight, Tesla will ask us to move the turn signal lever to the right (up) to signal a return to the right lane. In the meantime, the car can test our vigilance and demand that we put our hands on the steering wheel and make them a slight movement.

Here is a video of the entire maneuver. Yes, there is a buzz 🙂 As we learned from the original discussion (source), this is the effect of a freshly milled surface:

Recording and screenshots: (c) Reader Daniel

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