Is it possible to drive a car with a neck brace?
Machine operation

Is it possible to drive a car with a neck brace?

From the article you will find out whether it is possible to drive a car in a cervical collar. We will also tell you how the police usually approach the case. 

Is it possible to drive a car with a neck brace?

In traffic rules, it is in vain to look for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to drive a car in a neck brace. There is no law against driving with a cast on your arm, an immobile leg, or a neck brace, but that doesn't mean you can't be fined.

If the police decide that your incapacity poses a threat to traffic, you can be fined up to 50 euros. How do doctors see it?

Driving a car in an orthopedic collar

A sedentary lifestyle, long hours in the same position, or lack of movement can cause back pain. The main task of the collar is to protect the cervical region from possible injuries; wearing it is recommended for people suffering from discopathy, scoliosis or suffering from an injury to this department. 

If the injury was minor, there is no need to stay in the hospital under observation. If you want to know if you can drive while wearing an orthopedic collar, ask your doctor if the stabilizer can be removed while driving.

Why is it better not to drive with a collar?

Even if there are no medical contraindications, it is better not to drive with a collar on.. Why? The function of this orthopedic device is, among other things, to maintain a rigid position of the head and unload the entire cervical region. The equipment is usually comfortable and trimmed with a delicate fabric, but at the same time it is very tough and one hundred percent fulfills its function. 

It is not recommended to drive a car in a cervical collar, as it limits the movement of the head, and therefore limits the field of view and reaction speed. Getting into a car wearing a collar puts your safety at risk.

You should also consider that most back problems are caused by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. It will be much better for your health if you do not wear a collar. 

How to reduce the time of wearing a collar?

If you follow all the doctor's instructions, you will increase the likelihood of a faster recovery. You should actively spend time cycling or in the pool, because with injuries of the cervical spine, rehabilitation should not be neglected if you want to get rid of the stabilizer as soon as possible. 

Is it possible to drive a car with a neck brace? The rules do not prohibit this, but you should use common sense and refrain from driving.

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