Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car?
Machine operation

Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car?

If you use your car mainly for trips around the city, then the battery during such short trips does not have time to charge from the generator. Accordingly, at some point, its charge drops so much that it cannot turn the starter gear and the crankshaft flywheel. In this case, the battery needs to be recharged, and chargers are used for this purpose.

Usually, to charge the starter battery, it must be removed from the car, following the sequence of disconnecting the terminals, which we already wrote about on our portal, and connected to the charger. However, this option is suitable for carburetor vehicles that are not equipped with complex electronic control units. If you have a car with an injection-type engine and the computer is not powered, then the settings are completely lost. What can this lead to? The consequences can be very different:

  • floating engine speed;
  • loss of control of various systems, such as power windows;
  • if there is a robotic gearbox, when moving from one speed range to another, interruptions in the operation of the engine may be felt.

From our own experience, we can say that over time the settings are restored, but there is little pleasant in this. Accordingly, any driver is interested in the question - is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car so that power is supplied to the electronic control unit?

Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car?

How to charge the battery and not knock down the computer settings?

If you are serviced by a good service station, then auto mechanics usually do very simply. They have spare batteries. The computer settings are lost only if the battery terminals are removed for longer than a minute. With fast currents, a standard 55 or 60 Ah battery can be charged up to 12,7 volts in just an hour.

Another good way is to connect another battery in parallel. But what if the problem caught you on the road, and you don’t have a spare battery with you? Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car? The answer is yes, but you need to do it carefully and with knowledge of the matter.

Since this operation is most often performed in winter, some rules must be observed:

  • drive a car into a garage or a box with an air temperature above + 5 ... + 10 ° С;
  • wait a while until the battery temperature equals the air temperature in the room;
  • put all operating equipment that cannot be disconnected from the on-board network into sleep mode - on modern cars, it is enough to pull the key out of the ignition;
  • measure the main indicators of the battery - the voltage at the terminals, and decide to what level you need to increase the charge.

The hood must remain open during recharging so that the terminals do not jump. If the battery is serviced or semi-serviced, the plugs must be unscrewed so that the electrolyte vapors can safely escape through the holes, otherwise the cans may burst due to an increase in pressure. It is also advisable to check the density of the electrolyte and its condition. If there is a brown suspension in the electrolyte, then your battery is most likely beyond repair, and you need to think about buying a new one.

Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car?

We connect the "crocodiles" of the charger to the battery electrodes, observing the polarity. It is very important that there is no oxidation on the terminals or on the terminals themselves, as the contact deteriorates due to it, and the charger runs idle and overheats. Set also the basic charging parameters - voltage and current. If time allows, you can leave charging all night with a voltage of 3-4 volts. If fast charging is required, then no more than 12-15 Volts, otherwise you will simply burn the electrical equipment of the car.

Chargers from trusted manufacturers support various charging modes. Some of them are equipped with built-in ammeters and voltmeters. They will disconnect themselves from the 220V network when the battery is fully charged.

How long does it take to charge the battery without removing it from the car?

Of course, it's good when there are super modern chargers with a processor that turn off themselves and supply current with the desired parameters. They are not cheap and are considered professional equipment. If you use an ordinary “cabinet”, on which you can set only the current and voltage (Amperes and Volts), then it is better to play it safe and fully control the process. The most important thing is to ensure a stable voltage without surges.

The charging duration is determined by the current parameters and the battery discharge level. Usually they follow a simple scheme - set 0,1 of the nominal battery voltage. That is, a standard 60-ku is supplied with a direct current of 6 amperes. If the discharge exceeds 50%, then the battery will be charged in about 10-12 hours. In any case, it is necessary to check the voltage from time to time with a multimeter. It should reach at least 12,7 volts. That is 80% of the full charge. If, for example, you have a long trip out of town tomorrow, then 80% of the charge is enough to start the engine. Well, then the battery will be charged from the generator.

Is it possible to charge the battery without removing the terminals from the car?

Safety measures

If the charging rules are not followed, the consequences can be very different:

  • overcharge - the electrolyte begins to boil;
  • explosion of cans - if the ventilation holes are clogged or you forgot to unscrew the plugs;
  • ignition - sulfuric acid vapors easily ignite from the slightest spark;
  • vapor poisoning - the room should be well ventilated.

Also, all wires must be insulated, otherwise, if the positive bare wire comes into contact with the "ground", the terminals may be bridged and a short circuit may occur. Be sure to follow the order in which the charger terminals are connected.:

  • connect before starting recharging, first "plus" then "minus";
  • after the process is completed, the negative terminal is removed first, then the positive one.

Make sure that there are no oxides on the terminals. Do not smoke in the garage during the charging procedure. In no case do not insert the key into the ignition, and even more so do not turn on the radio or headlights. Use personal protective equipment - gloves. Try not to come into contact with the electrolyte so that it does not get on the skin, clothes, or in the eyes.

How to charge the battery without removing the terminals VW Touareg, AUDI Q7, etc.


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