Unpleasant smell from heating in the car - how to remove it?
Machine operation

Unpleasant smell from heating in the car - how to remove it?

We love to surround ourselves with pleasant aromas every day – it is the same in our cars. To do this, we often use air fresheners, which, although effective, may not be able to cope with certain situations. One such case is the unpleasant smell from heating in a car, which, in addition to obvious discomfort, can also lead to a host of health complications. How to effectively deal with this?

What will you learn from this post?

  • What could be the reasons for the unpleasant smell in the car?
  • Elimination of an unpleasant smell from heating - independently or in the service?
  • How can I maintain my car's ventilation system?

Shortly speaking

The ventilation system plays a very important role in our vehicles. If we sense that something stinks from the ventilation in the car, we must take quick action to fix the problem. Find out why you should keep your finger on the pulse and react when the unpleasant smell from heating begins to evaporate.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from in the car?

An unpleasant smell from the heating in the car is just one of many problems of this kind. Who among us has never soiled the upholstery with a soda, coffee, or bits of food? Unfortunately, this is a fairly common scenario, and dealing with the consequences of such gaze can be a real pain. If you do not act immediately, an unpleasant aroma can penetrate deeply into the material and make itself felt for a long time. There remains a separate question the habit of smoking in the car... The smell of cigarette smoke is very strong, and thus, after you have smoked a few cigarettes inside, we can smell them all over the place. it particularly annoying for non-smoking travel companionsbut ultimately significantly reduces the value of the car when you are trying to sell it.

However, it is precisely the strange odor emanating from the air flow in the car that is one of the most unpleasant. Smells like mildew, dust, damp and mildew. - such comparisons are most often cited by drivers. The reason of that improper operation of the ventilation and air conditioning system... This is due not only to the already mentioned unpleasant smell in the interior, but also negatively affects our health. An abandoned air conditioner is a habitat for microorganisms, bacteria and even mold.which can cause, among other things, all kinds of allergic reactions. This requires immediate attention and elimination of the source of the problem. We can do it ourselves or on one of the professional sites.

Unpleasant smell from heating in the car - how to remove it?

Do I need professional help because of the unpleasant smell from the heating in the car?

It depends on the scale of the problem. If the ventilation is working properly, but we want to be preventive, we can use air conditioning spray... These types of sprays are inexpensive and are usually effective at getting rid of bad odors in the cabin. This disinfection of the system should be carried out at least once a year. However, if the smell persists for a long time and we cannot eliminate it, it could be a sign full deflector fungus. Then you should contact a professional service center. is engaged in the maintenance of automotive air conditioning systems, where one of the following procedures will be performed:

  • ozonation – this process involves the oxidation of harmful particles and chemical compounds with ozone (pure oxygen), which has very strong disinfecting properties; the gaseous state of aggregation facilitates access to hard-to-reach places where mechanical cleaning is impossible; The ozonation process not only effectively cleans the air conditioner by removing germs and bacteria, but also also disinfects all upholstery with upholstery;
  • use of ultrasound - the ultrasonic method is considered even more effective than ozonation, and consists in changing the state of the disinfectant liquid from liquid to gaseous (under the influence of ultrasound); the resulting "fog" fills the entire cabin and effectively disinfects carpets, upholstery and ventilation ducts in the car.

How to take care of the ventilation system in the car?

Many drivers mistakenly assume that turning on the air conditioning system infrequently will prolong its life. This is a fundamental mistake! Let's try run it regularly for a few minutes (every 2/3 weeks), even during colder periods. This is the only way we can guarantee its correct operation and correct lubrication of the entire system with coolant.

Also, do not forget to check the tightness of the air conditioning system in the workshop and o Regular replacement of the cabin / pollen filter (once a year or every 10-20 thousand kilometers), as its clogging or dirt can also lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor inside the car. Also, do not forget to disinfect the air conditioning system and vents yourself, at least once a year.

It is worth taking care of the ventilation system in your car, because it is responsible not only for our driving comfort, but also for our health and well-being. If you are missing the right cleaning accessories, take a look at avtotachki.com and check out the offers available there!

Also check:

How often should the cabin filter be changed?

Three methods of fumigation of the air conditioner - do it yourself!

Author of the text: Shimon Aniol

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