General cooling system malfunctions
Machine operation

General cooling system malfunctions

The cooling system is extremely important for the proper operation of the entire vehicle. What if something disturbing begins to happen to him? How can I prevent more serious damage? What could be the cause of the malfunction? Read this post and find answers to all these questions!

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The cooling system maintains a constant engine temperature. Its correct operation is extremely important, and breakdown negatively affects the entire vehicle. You should start diagnosing the problem with checking the coolant. A faulty fan or thermostat can also be the cause of failure.

Why is the cooling system so important?

A properly functioning cooling system maintains constant engine temperature, i.e. approximately 90°C - 100°C. If the system is not working properly, lubrication problems may occur and the piston in the cylinder may become stuck. It also increases the risk of spontaneous combustion. Temperatures that are too low can lead to combustion problems and emissions.

Cooling systems are divided into two types direct and indirect... The first type is characterized by cooling the cylinders and the engine head with air, which blows these elements. The intermediate product, on the other hand, is cooled by a liquid that draws heat away from the heated parts.

Coolant problems

If we notice that there is something wrong with the cooling system in our car, we must first check the coolant level... This can help us diagnose a system-wide problem.

Too little liquid

If the fluid level drops very quickly or disappears completely, it may be due to a leak. It is best then to check the individual parts with a jack. She might be to blame leaky radiatorthrough which the liquid comes out. If everything is ok with this item, look at the heater... If it does not work properly, liquid may leak out or evaporate. It is easy to recognize by the spots that are located around this part.

If there is no leakage and fluid continues to drain too quickly, there may be a problem. failure of the cylinder head gasket... If this happens, coolant enters the engine and engine oil tank... This is easy to verify by looking at the aforementioned oil. When mixed with coolant, it turns brown and sometimes even light. Noteworthy is the beige sediment under the cork.

The best solution to these problems is to replace defective components. The cost of a new cooler depends primarily on the type and power of the engine and ranges from several hundred to even two thousand zlotys.

Too much liquid

If we notice that the coolant is overflowing from the tank, and its level is constantly overestimated, most likely, we are dealing with the air in it... We need to release this immediately. However, if the changes are small, there is a chance that in a few days everything will return to normal.

Failures of parts and accessories

Dirty radiator

This could be the cause of the system malfunction. dirty radiator. Stuck leaves, dirt and sediment interfere with the cooling process, and sometimes even interfere with it. The best solution is to properly clean the radiator and get rid of the elements that cause inconvenience.

Fan problems

fan supports cooler for example, in hot weather or when driving uphill. This element is located between the radiator and the engine. It is usually powered by electricity, and although its design is not complicated, failures occur quite often. Often the fan motor burns out or the thermal switch stops working. If the fan in our car breaks down, we really won't have much wiggle room. The only solution is to replace it. The cost of this element is from one hundred to two hundred zlotys.

Thermostat malfunction

Cooling system problems can be caused by thermostat failure. Most often it is jam in a closed or open position... To diagnose a thermostat malfunction, place your hand on the radiator. If it is cold and the car warms up, the thermostat is faulty. In the same way, you can check the upper coolant drain hose to the radiator. If it's cold, you can be sure the thermostat is to blame. As with the fan, the only way out is to replace it... The cost of a new thermostat is several tens of zlotys.

General cooling system malfunctions

Remember to clean and maintain all parts of your vehicle. All the necessary spare parts for the refrigeration system can be found in the online store Please!

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Author: Katarzyna Yonkish

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