Motorcycle Device

Clean motorcycle brake pistons and calipers.

COMMENTARY clean brake pistons and calipers motorcycle? This is one of the things you need to do to properly maintain your motorcycle brakes, and you can do it yourself.

To help you, here are the steps you need to follow to clean these two motorcycle parts and the materials you will need to do so.

Cleaning motorcycle brake pistons

Before you figure out how to clean motorcycle brake pistons, find out what to get rid of. These are dust, grease (brake oil residues) and rust (stains and / or deposits). To deal with this dirt / wear and tear, you have two options to choose from, one simple yet effective, the other more thorough (hence even more efficient).

Option 1: Simple cleaning of the brake pistons

First, the materials to use: a toothbrush (or fine brush), water, detergent (for being in water), and a clean cloth or rag.

The first step is to show off the calipers, then remove the pads. Then dip your toothbrush in the soapy water and use it to clean the recesses of the pistons. Repeat this gesture several times until you get to the pistons and clean all of their internal or external parts.

Finally, rinse with clean water and wipe with a cloth. This will allow the brake pistons to dry easily.

Option 2: Thoroughly clean the brake pistons

For a more thorough cleaning of the brake pistons, replace the above materials with one: brake cleaner.

This tool is very effective against grease, dust and rust. Thoroughly cleans pistons thanks to its high pressure spray function. Indeed, since it is an aerosol, the brake cleaner can reach even the most difficult corners of the brakes.

As in the first option, the dismantling stage is inevitable. On the other hand, no wiping is necessary because the spray allows the brake pistons to dry in a few minutes.

For your information, this material can be purchased from garages, garages and hardware stores, and you have a choice between several containers (volumes).

Clean motorcycle brake pistons and calipers.

Cleaning motorcycle brake calipers

Here the first stage - disassembly - is the same as for the pistons. What makes caliper cleaning different is the type of dirt. Indeed, cleaning motorcycle brake calipers comes down to remove black deposits (platelets), i.e. to clean parts.

Two options for cleaning motorcycle brake calipers

If a toothbrush and soapy water are sufficient for the pistons, a cleaning brush (metal) and hot soapy water are required for the calipers. This is what you will use for basic cleaning of motorcycle brake calipers. Be sure to strip all pads well so that the brakes can function normally after cleaning. This action requires strength and patience, but it also requires subtlety because the joints should not twist during stripping.

Also, as with the pistons, you can also use a brake cleaner for the calipers. The procedure is the same: spray on the inside and outside, then let dry for a few minutes.

Points to Remember When Cleaning Motorcycle Brake Pistons and Calipers

To effectively clean motorcycle brake pistons and calipers, there are three things to remember: how to do it, when and how to finish it. So here are some comments on these last two points.

When to clean pistons and calipers?

Regarding the frequency of cleaning, regular cleaning is ideal; for example, every month when draining. This should also be done every time you change pads or discs. This allows you to track the evolution of brake wear, so you know when cleaning is no longer effective and when defective parts need to be replaced.

What to do after cleaning pistons and calipers?

Remember that after each cleaning, the parts must be returned to their places, that is, the brakes must be installed after the pistons and calipers are dry. Finally, for safety reasons, always check that the brakes are working properly after cleaning.

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