Is clean engine oil dangerous?

Is clean engine oil dangerous?

One of the common misconceptions about car operation concerns the properties of the oil in the engine. In this case, we are not talking about quality, but about color. Many drivers believe that darkened lubricant in the engine indicates a problem. In fact, quite the opposite.

It is not clear what these beliefs are based on. One of the main functions of the oil is to clean the engine, so it is inconceivable that it will become transparent after use. It's like wiping the floor with a damp cloth and expecting it to stay white. The oil in the engine moves in a vicious circle, lubricates the parts and darkens rather quickly.

“If after 3000-5000 km you raise the bar and see that the oil is clear, consider whether it is doing what it is intended for. And one more thing: it should be taken into account that the oil in gasoline and diesel engines darkens at different rates, ”explains an expert from one of the world’s leading manufacturers of oils and petroleum products.

It should also be borne in mind that the color of the oil also depends on the type of oil from which it is made, that is, it can vary from light yellow to dark brown depending on the starting material. This is why it is good to know what color the oil you put in your car.

Is clean engine oil dangerous?

Another rather risky approach to determining the properties of oil is still used by some mechanics today. They rub it with their fingers, sniff it and even taste it with their tongue, after which they issue a categorical verdict like: "This is too liquid and must be changed immediately." This approach is completely wrong and cannot be accurate.

“Such actions can in no way determine whether the oil is suitable for use. The viscosity coefficient is determined only by a special device that is designed for this. It is located in a special laboratory that can make an accurate analysis of the condition of the used oil. This analysis also includes the condition of the additives, the presence of contaminants and the degree of wear. It is impossible to appreciate all this by touch and smell,” experts explain.

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