Department: Mechanical Locks - Should you protect your car from theft?
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Department: Mechanical Locks - Should you protect your car from theft?

Department: Mechanical Locks - Should you protect your car from theft? Patronage: Niedźwiedź-Lock. The question in the title of the article is rhetorical. Because they steal and break into cars, any effective method of protecting property is desirable. However, there are drivers who believe that it is possible to save money on the purchase and installation of such a device.

Department: Mechanical Locks - Should you protect your car from theft?Published in Mechanical locks

Patronage: Niedźwiedź-Lock

It is possible that someone will get away with it and use statistics for this purpose, but I do not accept this argument. You might as well go to the mall with a lot of money in your back pocket, have a plywood door at home instead of a burglar-proof one, etc. Contrary to statistics, too high a risk, as everyone knows from personal experience. A much more legitimate question than whether to protect cars from theft is the question of what to protect in order to discourage a potential thief as much as possible.

First of all, you should start with good information that the car is guarded by a specific device. This is indicated by a sticker and elements of the device visible from the outside. In the case of the Bear Lock, the information is visible from all sides of the vehicle. This is a very practical indicator of the scale of difficulty of a thief's trail. This works as a prompt: "Come on, dude, this is too hard and dangerous work." Well, the sticker and the lock from the “bear”, visible from the outside of the car, are a derivative of a good choice. And when choosing this lock, the driver took into account the following factors:

1. Experience and technology of the manufacturerDepartment: Mechanical Locks - Should you protect your car from theft?

Autoblocks from Lubon debuted on the market at the beginning of the 90s, having achieved, despite the difficult economic realities, a huge success. Thanks to his inventiveness, diligence and perseverance, the owner of the company, Zygmunt Nedzwied, created a stable and dynamically developing company, Nedzwid - Zamok.

2. Production and assembly technology

The device belongs to the group of rigid mechanical, and therefore resistant to destruction. The entire armored actuator, including the bolt, is made from the finest steel and constructed in such a way that it cannot be counterfeited. Its disassembly is possible only with the use of specialized tools in a workshop.

3. Wide range of designs and patterns

Lock Bear comes in a range of designs and patterns. Among them: bolt lock - the first in the product range; frame lock - mounted on existing bolts without interfering with the car body; bolt lock - the removable locking element has been replaced with a bolt. The bolt lock quickly became a real hit in the market.

4. Permits from authorized bodies

The locks received excellent marks for anti-theft performance. This is evidenced by the approvals of the Institute of Precision Mechanics and the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Main Police Headquarters in Warsaw. The production of locks is carried out in accordance with the quality management system ISO 9001:2008.

5. Cooperation of the manufacturer with auto concerns

The quality of Bear-Lock locks has been recognized by major importers Alfa Romeo, Audi, Chevrolet, Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Hyundai, Kia, Lancia, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Toyota and VW. introducing a lock to their factory warehouses. Positive feedback received from the technical department of Skoda Auto as in Mlada Boleslav. This made it possible to introduce a blockade of the Skoda Auto network in Poland with the possibility of expanding sales to the whole of Europe.

6. International recognition

"Bears" received, among others, approvals: Munich TUV, Dutch SCM, South Africa - VESA, Polish IMP, Hungarian Mabisz, Czech 8SD, Russian PCT, Belarusian CBT. Since 1998, he has received ISO 9001:2008 quality management certificate for the production and assembly of car locks. Currently, more than half of the products are exported to 24 countries on 4 continents.

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