Panorama of the Galaxy

Panorama of the Galaxy

Using two million photographs taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope, a team of scientists from the US state of Wisconsin created a 360-degree panorama of the Milky Way - GLIMPSE360. The pictures were taken in the infrared range. The collected image can be scaled and moved.

Panoramic views of the Galaxy can be admired on the page:. It shows colored clouds and individual bright stars. Pink clouds are a hotbed of stars. The green threads are left over from gigantic supernova explosions.

The Spitzer Space Telescope has been observing space in the infrared since 2003. It was supposed to work for 2,5 years, but it still works today. It rotates in a heliocentric orbit. Thanks to the images sent by him, the database of objects in our Galaxy has increased by 360 million in the GLIMPSE200 project.

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