In addition to recharging, exchange is also possible at Tesla stations.
Electric cars

In addition to recharging, exchange is also possible at Tesla stations.

In addition to recharging, exchange is also possible at Tesla stations.

Tesla has decided to update its replaceable battery technology. To this end, Elon Musk, number one in the group, demonstrated in the US that replacing a battery takes less time than refueling with gas or even recharging an electric battery.

Never Give Up With Tesla Stations

Tesla previously announced the future deployment of charging stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco by the end of 2013, and then moving towards the northeast axis. These charging stations are for the brand's two flagship models, the Model S luxury sedan and the upcoming Model X SUV.

Once at these stations, the user will see two options available to him: recharging, free, but requiring 30 minutes, or even replacing a discharged battery with a full one for a fee. Amount from 60 to 80 dollars. Replacing the battery takes only about a minute and thirty seconds, making it the quickest way to get back on an energized road. As for the means to restore his original battery, he will have a choice between having it delivered by Tesla at an as yet undetermined price, buying a new battery, or even returning to collect his battery.

Electricity, Tesla rate

Typically, the user charges their electric vehicle during daily use. The battery change system is more for long trips that require saving time. Elon Musk proves that electric vehicle technology can be harmonized with cars that use heat engines. Today, Tesla has a larger fleet than the Renault group in the US, with about 10 Model S vehicles, mostly located in Silicon Valley. Although the cost of the charging station is very high - $000 - Tesla is determined to go ahead with its project and succeed in its bet: to compete with gasoline cars.

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