Damaged the car in the yard - what to do?
Machine operation

Damaged the car in the yard - what to do?

To deal with this issue, you must first determine the cause of the damage, and, based on this, take appropriate action. The easiest way to receive payments is for owners of a CASCO policy. True, such a policy is quite expensive, and its cost continues to rise further, so not all drivers apply for CASCO. In addition, each insured event is an additional minus to the bonus-malus coefficient, so it is better not to contact the insurance company for minor damage.

So, let's deal with the most common situations.

Damaged the car in the yard - what to do?

Damage from another vehicle

One of the neighbors went to work in the morning and accidentally touched the fender. This, according to the SDA, is already classified as a traffic accident. And it is forbidden to leave the scene of an accident, although not everyone remembers this, hurrying on personal business.

If you only have OSAGO, and the culprit has fled, then you should only rely on the police and traffic police. Call them and ask them to draw up an inspection report. Under OSAGO, compensation is not provided, but there is little hope of finding the culprit. To do this, use all the possibilities:

  • carefully inspect the dent, perhaps there are traces of paint in it, and by its color you can easily identify one of the cars of your neighbors;
  • examine the condition of the paintwork on other cars in the yard - recent scratches should draw your interest;
  • ask the neighbors, they probably saw something or the video was saved on their recorders.

Having found the culprit, you can try to deal with him peacefully. If he denies his guilt, remind him what punishment awaits for leaving the scene of an accident: arrest for up to 15 days or deprivation of rights for a year and a half (Code of Administrative Offenses 12.27 part 2).

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find those who damaged the cars standing in the yard. Especially if it was not a local tenant. If you are lucky and the damage was done before your eyes, you have two options: call the traffic police inspector to draw up an act or draw up an accident according to the Europrotocol.

Damaged the car in the yard - what to do?

Damage caused by children

The incident is quite banal - children play football, the ball flies over the fence of the sports ground and hits the windshield or the rear-view mirror. How to act in such a case?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, children under 14 years of age do not bear administrative responsibility. Naturally, not a single child admits to his deed. If you have evidence of who did this, you need to call the district police officer or the traffic police inspector so that they record the damage to the vehicle. Next, you need to demand through the court that the parents of the child pay for the costs of repairs.

If we assume that the car was damaged at night by hooligans, you only need to contact the police. The district police officer, as a rule, is well aware of the criminal situation in the area and will be able to figure out the offender.

Damaged the car in the yard - what to do?

Falling tree, icicles, pillar

It is also a common practice when old trees grow in the yard and fall from a light breeze, or, for example, a layer of snow has come down from the roof straight onto the hood of a car recently bought on credit. What to do?

There is no need to panic. Do not touch anything and call the traffic police inspector to draw up an inspection report. Next, you need to find out who is responsible for the improvement of the yard. As a rule, these are communal organizations: housing departments or housing associations. They need to make a claim.

Of course, litigation with such organizations can drag on. In order for the truth to triumph, it is desirable to obtain an opinion from an independent expert that, they say, the tree was old, the pole was not installed correctly, the snow was not removed from the roof in a timely manner, and so on.

The defendant, in the event that the proceedings are completed in your favor, will be obliged to cover not only the costs of repairs, but also all related expenses: court, expert opinion.

What to do if your car is scratched in the yard


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