SUPROTEC additive instructions for use

SUPROTEC additive instructions for use

The internal combustion engine, as well as other elements of the car, such as the gearbox, power steering, fuel system, are subject to wear and mechanical damage due to high loads. Most standard engines have a resource of 150 - 250 thousand kilometers, after which they need a major overhaul. Therefore, many car owners are wondering how to extend the life of the engine or gearbox. Especially for this, specialized additives for engine oil are being developed, one of which is Suprotec. Next, we will consider the principle of action of the additive, instructions for use, the price on the market and the results of work.

How Suprotec works

The tribotechnical composition "Suprotek", and this is how this additive is positioned, works in several stages. Consider the principle of operation of the additive for internal combustion engines.

1 stage... Cleaning of parts from foreign layers of carbon deposits, traces of mechanical destruction, oxidation, etc.

2 stage... A new layer is formed on the cleaned surface, which can consist of both cleaning particles and components of the additive itself. Further action of the friction force creates a new layer, which is distinguished by a strong bond with the original element of the mechanism, and also has an oil-holding capacity.

HOW DOES SUPROTEK ACTIVE work for the engine? How to apply? Additives, engine oil additives.

As a result of several stages, there is a partial or complete restoration of the surface, restoration of the technical characteristics of the unit, up to nominal.

Instructions for use "Suprotek"

The use of the additive is divided into 3 stages. Before moving on to the instructions for using the Suprotec additive, we will indicate the amount of the substance that you need.

If your engine has less than 5 liters of oil, then at each stage you will need to fill in 1 bottle of the additive. If more than 5 liters of oil, then 2 bottles at each stage.

In other words, the same amount of additive will have to be added 3 times during a regular oil change.

After complete processing, the manufacturer recommends using a composition at each oil change that allows you to maintain the effect obtained and prolong the operation of the power unit.

SUPROTEC additive instructions for use

Additive Suprotek instructions for use price

The results of the additive "Suprotek"

Consider the results of the work of the Suprotec additive for internal combustion engines.

For new engines, with a minimum mileage or after a high-quality overhaul, the additive will reduce friction losses, reduce noise and keep the elements of the cylinder-piston group in good condition.

For engines with 50-70% wear, the additive allows partial restoration of compression by reducing clearances on the cylinder walls and other elements. An increase in compression, in turn, leads to a better combustion of fuel, and therefore a decrease in consumption, an increase in power, and a decrease in oil combustion.

For engines with significant wear (large loss of power, oil quickly turns black, high oil consumption, strong smoke from the exhaust system), the additive may not work. In this case, it is necessary to resort to overhaul of the power unit or its replacement.

Price of implants "Suprotek"

The market cost of an additive for an internal combustion engine starts from 1500 rubles.

Questions and answers:

What is SUPROTEK additive for? The additive Suprotek Active Plus is intended for engine oil. It reduces its waste, reduces the rate of lubricant wear, stabilizes compression (not in all cases).

How to use the SUPROTEC engine additive correctly? Following the manufacturer's recommendations, the additive is poured into the oil filler neck of the motor (1-2 bottles). Then, in a calm mode, take a ride for about half an hour.

Who produces SUPROTEK additives? SUPROTEC additives and motor oils are produced according to Russian technology (intended for the world market) at a plant located in Germany - ROWE Mineralolwerk GmbH.

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