Tesla firmware 2020.44 with improvements in autopilot, Spotify, voice control
Electric cars

Tesla firmware 2020.44 with improvements in autopilot, Spotify, voice control

Our readers, including the trustworthy Mr. Bronek, receive software 2020.44, which is a version newer than 2020.40.8.12, which is shipped to FSD beta testers. There is no dark interface in the new car renderings, but there are improved voice controls and a few other gimmicks.

New Tesla Software - 2020.44

The first change that our reader noticed is the ability to choose the language of voice commands, regardless of the language used in the interface. Thus, we can ask the machine in English - because it works better there - but have descriptions in Polish. The parameters are changed by entering in Controls -> Display -> Voice Recognition.

Autopilot now allows you to select the current speed (standard) or adjust the speed depending on the current limitation (new). The limits can be exceeded by a specified absolute or percentage in relation to the limit for a given section (source).

Tesla firmware 2020.44 with improvements in autopilot, Spotify, voice control

The update also mentions Spotify, which should make it easier to find songs in the library. The Spotify tab on the main screen will provide us with the parts that may interest us. In turn, the car media player allows you to turn off sources that we do not use - for example, radio or karaoke.

Opening photo: (c) iBernd / Twitter, photographerfia "Speed ​​limit" (c) Bronek / comment on www.elektrowoz.pl

Tesla firmware 2020.44 with improvements in autopilot, Spotify, voice control

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