A guide to Washington right-of-way laws
Auto repair

A guide to Washington right-of-way laws

While driving in Washington State, you will likely have to stop or slow down several times to let another vehicle or pedestrian pass. Even in the absence of signals or signs, there are rules, and failure to follow them can lead to penalties, not to mention the possibility of an accident. To stay safe and ensure the safety of those who share the road with you, you need to know right-of-way laws.

Summary of Washington Right of Way Laws

Right-of-way laws in Washington State can be summarized as follows:


  • At an intersection, pedestrians have the right of way regardless of whether the pedestrian crossing is marked.

  • If a pedestrian is on your half of the road, you must stop and give way.

  • On multi-lane roads, you must give way to pedestrians who are within the same lane of your section of carriageway.

  • If you are crossing a sidewalk or leaving an alley, driveway, or parking lot, you must give way to pedestrians.

  • Blind pedestrians need a higher level of care. If a pedestrian is walking with a guide dog, other type of service animal, or using a white cane, then he always has the right of way, even if what he is doing is against the law if it is done by a sighted person.


  • If you are turning left, you must give way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

  • If you enter a roundabout, you must give way to left-hand traffic.

  • If there is no stop sign at the intersection, you must give way to drivers already at the intersection, as well as traffic approaching from the right.

  • At four-way stops, the principle of "first in, first out" applies. But if one or more vehicles arrive at the same time, then the right of way must be ceded to the vehicle on the right.

  • When entering the roadway from a curb or lane, from a parking lot or roadway, you must give way to vehicles already on the roadway.

  • You can't block the intersection. If you have a green light but it looks like it might change before you pass the intersection, you cannot continue.

  • If the train crosses the road, you must give way - this is just common sense, since there is no way the train will be able to stop for you.


  • If an ambulance approaches from any direction and turns on the siren and/or flashers, you must give way.

  • If the red light is on, just stay where you are. Otherwise, turn right as soon as you can, but don't block the intersection. Clear it and then stop.

Common misconceptions about Washington right-of-way laws

Washington differs from many other states in that it regulates cycling. If you think bikes are subject to the same right-of-way laws as cars, you'd be right if you lived in just about any other state. However, in Washington DC, you must yield to cyclists at intersections and crosswalks in the same way that you yield to pedestrians.

Penalties for non-compliance

Washington does not have a points system, but if you commit 4 traffic violations in a year, or 5 in 2 consecutive years, your license will be suspended for 30 days. You will also be issued a $48 fine for failing to yield to normal traffic and pedestrians, and $500 for emergency vehicles.

For more information, see the Washington State Driver's Handbook, Section 3, pages 20-23.

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