A guide to Virginia right-of-way laws
Auto repair

A guide to Virginia right-of-way laws

Virginia has right-of-way laws that tell you when you must stop and give way to other motorists or pedestrians. Most of the time it's just common sense, but the rules still need to be codified to be accessible to people who can't exercise common sense in traffic. By learning the right-of-way laws, you can reduce your chances of getting into an accident that can, at best, damage your vehicle and, at worst, injure or kill you or someone else.

Summary of Virginia Right of Way Laws

Right-of-way laws in Virginia can be summarized as follows:


  • If two vehicles arrive at an intersection at different times, the vehicle that reaches it first will pass first. If it is not known who arrived first, then the car on the right goes first.

  • At an intersection with traffic lights, if they stop working, then every vehicle approaching the intersection must stop and the driver on the left must give way to the vehicle on the right.

  • If you are entering an Interstate from an exit, you must yield to a vehicle already on the Interstate.

  • If you are entering a roundabout, you must give way to a vehicle already in the roundabout.

  • If you are approaching a public road from a carriageway or private road, you must give way to any vehicle or pedestrian already on the public road.


  • You must always give way to pedestrians crossing either at a marked crosswalk or at any intersection.

  • Even if a pedestrian crosses the wrong way, you must give way - this is not a battle over who owns the road; it's a security issue.

military convoys

  • You cannot cut off or merge with a military convoy.

Concession to cars with flashing lights

  • If you see a vehicle with flashing blue, red, yellow or white lights, you must give way. These are emergency or service vehicles and they have the right of way.

  • If you are already at the intersection, don't stop. Instead, drive carefully through the intersection and, as soon as you can do it safely, stop.

Common Misconceptions About Right of Way Laws in Virginia

Most people will yield the right of way to a funeral procession out of common courtesy. In fact, in Virginia, you are required by law to provide this courtesy if a police escort is leading the funeral procession. Otherwise, the leading vehicle in the procession must abide by the normal laws.

Penalties for non-compliance

In Virginia, if you fail to yield the right of way to traffic or pedestrians, you will have 4 demerit points attached to your driver's license and you will have to pay a $30 fine plus a $51 handling fee. If you do not yield to the ambulance, the penalty is 4 points plus a $100 fine and a $51 handling fee.

See pages 15-16 and 19 of the Virginia Driving Manual for more information.

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