Matrix LED operation

Matrix LED operation

Matrix LED operation

As you know, LED technology is becoming more common in modern cars due to their low power consumption (read more about the different lighting technologies here). However, it should be noted that this type of lighting is associated with a new operating mode called matrix. Therefore, we must distinguish between static LED lights and matrix LED lights that allow you to drive with full headlights all the time!

What is a Matrix?

Matrix is ​​a concept we learn in school, it's just a matter of crossing space to have exact references. For example, the hit-and-sink board game is based on the function of the dice. All the boxes form a matrix, and each of them has exact coordinates (formed in the game by a letter and a number, such as B2).

We can relate this to the orthonormal coordinate system (with the famous x and y axes), a concept familiar to schoolchildren and students who study graphs regularly. But in our case, we're not going to learn curves or functions, we're basically just using this space as the grid area in the little rectangles.

Matrix headlights?

Matrix headlights glow differently than standard headlights. Instead of two large "main" beams illuminating the front, each of them consists of several small beams. Each beam illuminates a small section of the road, and it is these sections that can be compared with the squares of the game "pierced - sank."

Matrix LED operation

How does it work?

To make it easy for you to understand, we can say that Matrix Led lights are a bit like a game of touch and sink, but with the opposite rule.

Here you are replacing boats with cars that are rolling in the opposite direction and therefore you need to avoid lighting so as not to dazzle them.

The camera monitors what is happening ahead and locates cars moving in the opposite direction. Having spotted the car, she cuts off the rays of light falling on it so as not to blind her. All that remains is to cut out the corresponding LEDs and voila!

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Dernier comment posted:

Rakunet (Date: 2020, 02:27:13)

Unfortunately, the reaction time of the system is too slow, by the time the corresponding LEDs turned off, the user was blinded on the contrary! Hence, there are many complaints about the headlights.

Not to mention, this cold light is bad for the eyes.

On the other hand, the pedestrian and many other users are not detected by the camera, where the road code is violated.

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