Repair of a car with its own air conditioning
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Repair of a car with its own air conditioning

What does car repair with Autocasco look like?

In the event of a traffic accident, the owner of the vehicle with the purchased air conditioner has two options for repairing the damage. The first is to hand over the car to a mechanical workshop indicated by the insurer. The car will be repaired there, and the driver's policy will cover the cost of this action. This is the so-called non-cash option.

The second option is to receive a specific amount after a preliminary assessment of losses. Damage is assessed by a car appraiser or an insurer. This method is called valuation, because the cost of individual parts in need of repair is estimated based on the average market value.

When filing a claim for the AS, it is reported directly to the Insurance Guarantee Fund, where it is entered in the driver's insurance history. Thus, the consequence of filing claims with Autocasco is the loss of discounts on subsequent policies.

When should you not repair a damaged car with your own air conditioner?

When liquidating claims for the responsibility of the culprit of the event, the procedure is very simple. After completing all the formalities, you receive compensation calculated by the insurer of the perpetrator. When it comes to repairing a car with its own air conditioning, things are a bit more complicated.

Claiming damages and its liquidation under your Motor CASCO will not be profitable in case of a low amount of damages received. You will often be able to repair minor car damage or even more serious damage on your own or with the help of a friendly mechanic. If you decide to use an AC, you may find that the price of the premium exceeds the cost of the car repair itself.

It is unreasonable for the injured party to file a claim for damages if the cause of the accident is known. In this case, you will receive the compensation due to you from his liability insurance. Also, you can get a free car, so you won't be at a loss at any level.

It is worth remembering that the claimed damage is permanently recorded in your insurance history. This results in forfeiting your discount on the purchase of subsequent policies. In order for them to recover, a significant period of accident-free driving must pass.

When is it worth repairing a damaged car with your own air conditioner?

Let's now consider situations in which car repair under Auto Casco will be much more profitable. If the cost of the damage caused is very high, it is worth reporting this event in the Auto Casco section.

You can also profitably use your AC if the culprit of the incident is unknown. The very definition of his personality will be very stretched in time. In the case of third party liability insurance, the compensation due will only be paid out after the insurer has completed the proceedings. In order not to waste time in such situations, it is worth filing a claim for Auto Casco. The time it takes to pay out funds or repair a car is much shorter, so you should choose this option.

Repair of cars with their own air conditioning. Summary

Now you know more precisely in which situations it will be profitable to file a claim with Autocasco, and in which it is not. Check out the LINK4 insurance offer. You can opt for the mandatory OC package along with accident and auto hull insurance.

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Material created in collaboration with LINK4.

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