Motorcycle gas tank repair
Motorcycle Operation

Motorcycle gas tank repair

Reconstruction solutions and costs

The motorcycle is a very open element in the event of a fall, even when it is stationary. Sometimes even because of a lot of braking. Thus, some of us found a trace of our masculinity in embossed tank or passenger hands printed negatively in a metal can. For a bumpy, dented, depressed, or damaged reservoir, there are several solutions to reconstruct and reconstruct perfectly.

In particular, there is a much cheaper solution than buying a new tank or repairing it by a bodybuilder. Especially if the paint is intact. His name is? Removing the dies without paint. Explanations.

Removing dents without paint by a professional or DSP

If it is not in a tricky stop or zone, the sink can be completely refurbished and is invisible or nearly invisible.

To find out this and especially the cost of the repair, simply take a picture of the impact with your smartphone and send it by SMS or email to the specialist of your choice. To find a dent repairman near you, googlisez "motorcycle-less dent removal with paint tank".

The principle of dent removal is simple, but requires know-how:

One or more anchors / salts are attached to the tank with a special expandable adhesive and a glue gun. The extractor is then attached to the sole, which rests on a healthy area that won't hurt. We gradually turn, pull and sink. The position of the outsole is just as important as the plane of traction (its axis). The operation is not as obvious as it sounds ... and it all depends on the location, shape and support (metal) you want to work on. A professional is used to this and knows how to do it so that the repair is as invisible as possible.

Professional Dent Removal Ratio:

From 35 to 75 euros, depending on the complexity and location of the blow / back. Removal is only attractive to a well-maintained tank.

Removal without paint by yourself

For your information, there are dent removal kits available commercially and online. However, the availability of equipment does not mean its correct use ... So beware of unnecessary costs, especially for the bodywork. And the quality of the kits offered.

Dent Removal Equipment Fee:

From 20 euros for the entry level, with no guaranteed result ... You must train before mastering. Another name for a dent repairman is a gouge.

Dent Removal Limits Without Paint

On our test bike, the Kawasaki zx6r 636 is in a complete refurbishment, and the sink location allows a dentist to be called in. On the other hand, it will be necessary to pass in addition to the anti-corrosion, pickling and preparation box before the paint pass. Relevant? Not sure.

The trapped tank of his motorcycle

Indeed, if the paint of the tank shows a trail of sliding, scratching the metal, or if paint chips or rust points appear, it will be necessary to repaint. Therefore, bodywork is more relevant, whether it is done by a professional or not.

Likewise, by some accounts, dent removal will not always be 100% effective. On the other hand, it can significantly reduce the perception of sinking.

Repair of motorcycle tank by bodybuilder

Considering the impact on the tank of our "test" motorcycle, the professional is the most relevant solution for a clean and fast repair. In the case of a passage in the body, first it is necessary to dismantle the tank, empty it of gasoline, dismantle the gas pump, the fuel trap and possibly the gasoline valve (if there is one in the tank) and, above all, leave it outdoors for about a week to maximize evacuate gasoline vapors before taking it for repairs and painting.

Depending on the impact and its location, the bodywork specialist will weld metal rods, which he then pulls and then cuts before chewing (if necessary) and repainting. In some cases, the bodybuilder may cut the damaged part and reform the one that he welds afterwards.

Refurbishment rate with paint tank by bodybuilder

It takes from 220 euros for repairs and painting in the color of your choice. Simple color. The more difficult the repair operation, the more difficult the desired shade, the more expensive the paint.

Finally, there are the latest solutions if you don't want to repair, find the original used tank, or hide suffering under a tank bag or tank protector.

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