Car repair and restoration from the USA: stages, price, important nuances
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Car repair and restoration from the USA: stages, price, important nuances

Used and damaged cars from the USA are a great way to get a car you like and save a lot of money. And the elimination of defects at the service station will restore the impeccable appearance of the vehicle, as well as the performance of all components and systems. But even with all the repair costs, buying a car in america - a profitable offer, because for identical models, even in the worst condition, in Ukraine the price is often too high.

USA car repair

Before buying, experts carefully evaluate the characteristics of each lot and calculate the estimated cost of repairs so that the total cost does not exceed the agreed budget. After the vehicle is delivered to its destination, the masters will begin to complete the task, working in several directions at once:

  • Elimination of major faults;
  • Straightening and updating of a paint and varnish covering;
  • Restoration of passive safety systems.

The car must be manageable, reliable and comfortable - and regardless of the initial state of the vehicle, with a competent and rational approach, it will be possible to completely eliminate the existing shortcomings. The main thing is to contact a specialized car service that offers customers the best combination of quality and price, and also deserves numerous positive reviews.

The main stages of restoring a car from America

Car repair and restoration from the USA: stages, price, important nuances

Vehicle restoration can take from several weeks to a couple of months - it all depends on the initial condition of the car. All work is carried out sequentially and includes the following steps:

  • Troubleshooting. Damaged parts are carefully removed and diagnostics of the current state of the equipment are carried out - this will make it possible to form a list of upcoming work, and, accordingly, to announce the estimated price and deadlines.
  • Purchase of spare parts. If the restoration of the main components and systems is not possible, then replacement of parts will be required. European spare parts are often not suitable for American cars, so it is worth purchasing new or used parts in advance.
  • Car repair. The main part of the work, which takes a significant part of the time and is aimed at the complete restoration of the vehicle's performance.

Buying a used car is always a certain risk, because it is impossible to initially predict the severity of the damage, and, accordingly, calculate the costs of the upcoming restoration. Even if you choose a car marked “Run and Drive”, you won’t be able to do without basic repairs, but contacting experienced craftsmen will successfully solve this problem.

How much does a car repair cost from the USA?

The cost of maintenance and restoration will be calculated based on a number of factors and the list of services provided:

  • The severity of damage, the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • The total cost of purchased spare parts;
  • Appearance, the presence of visible defects.

The time spent by specialists on car repair also depends on the complexity of the task - work on the car can take several months. But in order not to overpay and get the restored transport as quickly as possible, it is important to give preference to an organization that offers a comprehensive service. And optimally - a company that orders vehicles from the United States, which means that its employees are familiar with all the subtleties and possible "pitfalls".

Spare parts can be ordered in advance, and after the car arrives in Ukraine, sign up for a service station at a convenient time by phone and arrive at the specified address on the selected day.

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