The most expensive roads in the world
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The most expensive roads in the world

You can judge the standard of living in a country by the quality of its roads. It is no secret that for some hundred years, mankind has experienced huge changes in the usual way of life with the advent of cars. As automobiles became more mainstream, so did the demands on the roads. The first highways appeared connecting the capital cities of Europe and Russia, and then a network of paved highways enveloped almost the whole world.

The most expensive roads in the world

However, in some countries the roadway is even, without holes and cracks, while in others there are solid bumps and potholes. People who often travel to Europe can literally feel that they have stopped in Germany, or vice versa returned to Russia. Of course, our road services strive to put all roads in order, but aspirations alone are not enough, and in terms of the quality of roads, Russia is not only in the top twenty - it is still far from the first hundred.

On the other hand, if you look at the ranking of countries that have the most expensive roads, then Russia takes pride.

Rating of the most expensive roads in the world

Fifth place ranked China, in which the average cost of road construction is $11 million. A rapidly developing economy requires investments in road construction, and as we see, the authorities are trying not to save on this. If you look at the roads that have been built in the last few years, then a kilometer of such routes cost about 2 million USD. But there are also really expensive projects here, such as the Changde-Jishu highway, in which more than seventy million dollars have been invested in each kilometer.

The most expensive roads in the world

Fourth place due to the high cost of roads takes Germany. Recently, in Germany, less and less money is being spent on the construction of new roads, and all the main costs fall on maintaining the already developed road network.

The famous eight-lane autobahns cost an average of $19 million per kilometer.

Road services spend an average of 450 thousand a year on maintenance.

The most expensive roads in the world

In addition, in Germany, great attention is paid to the use of the latest achievements of science and technology. To reduce the sound load in one of the cities, engineers used an eight-centimeter layer of sound-absorbing pavement instead of asphalt for a two and a half kilometer section of the route. The construction of one kilometer of such an innovative overpass cost city services 2,5-2,8 million euros.

Third Place occupied by the giant of the world economy USA. It is difficult to imagine an American without a car, which is why there is such an attitude to the roads. The quality of the road surface depends on many factors, and it is no secret that the United States often suffers from various natural disasters - tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons, catastrophic snowfalls and floods, which are replaced by terrible droughts. Roads from all this have a hard time.

The most expensive roads in the world

The most expensive road in the United States is in Boston - a highway with a large number of tunnels and interchanges costing over 70 million per kilometer.

On average, construction costs around $1 million.

Second placeSwitzerland. In the mountainous regions of this country, huge investments have to be made in tunneling.

One of the tunnels cost the builders 40 million per kilometer.

The most expensive roads in the world

Well, the most expensive roads are, of course, in Russia. In preparation for Sochi-2014, the federal highway Adler-Alpika received $140 million per kilometer. And its total length is about 48 km.

We also have an absolute leader in terms of high cost - a 4 km long segment on the 4th transport ring of the capital. One kilometer of its construction cost 578 million USD. Words are superfluous.

The most expensive roads in the world

With all this, on average in Russia, 8 euros per kilometer is spent on maintaining roads. True, the eternal question remains - where does this money go? In the same Finland, about the same amount is spent, but the difference is obvious.


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