Fine for STOP sign 2016
Machine operation

Fine for STOP sign 2016

Under the “Stop” sign, ordinary drivers mean several signs:

  • “brick” 3,1 - prohibits movement in the direction indicated by it, usually set before turning into a one-way lane;
  • traffic is prohibited - sign 3,2 - prohibits the movement of all vehicles in this direction, except for delivery vehicles, utilities, passenger and disabled vehicles;
  • sign 2,5 - movement without stopping is prohibited;
  • 3,17,3 - "Stop Control" - movement without stopping is prohibited through control points.

There is also a stop line sign that requires you to stop before the line at a red light.

Fine for STOP sign 2016

Accordingly, for violation of the requirements of these signs, penalties are provided in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Let's consider them in more detail.

If the driver drove into a one-way lane, thereby neglecting the requirements of the 3,1 sign, that is, “brick”, then he will either have to pay a fine of five thousand rubles, or say goodbye to his driver's license for 3-6 months. This punishment is provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses, article 12.16 part three. If the driver repeatedly does not comply with the requirements of this sign, then he will have to transfer to public transport for a year.

If a sign 2,5 is set at the intersection - movement without stopping is prohibited, then regardless of which light is on at the traffic light, it is necessary to make a stop, then continue driving or wait for the green light and continue driving. If the driver does not comply with the requirements of markings and signs, then a fine of 500 rubles awaits him.

The “Stop line” sign requires you to stop in front of the stop line only at a red light, the fine for driving over the line will be 800 rubles.

If you violate the requirements of these signs in other cases, you will have to pay a minimum fine of 500 rubles.

Fine for STOP sign 2016

Another interesting question in connection with the stop sign. Often not very conscientious traffic police officers can put it on the roads leading towards the south, in the Krasnodar Territory, at the entrances to the resorts. But in order not to pay fines just like that, allegedly for violating the requirements of the signs, you need to know that the Stop sign must be installed according to the following rules:

  • the sign is installed at the traffic police post;
  • at the crossroads;
  • supplemented by road markings;
  • quarantine post.

If in the middle of the track you are stopped for non-compliance with the requirements of the signs, then you can safely go further or demand that a protocol be drawn up according to all requirements, which will describe all the circumstances of the “violation”. In turn, you can add on your own that you refuse to pay the fine, since the sign was set up with violations.

Although, it is worth noting, one cannot be sure that a serious accident has not occurred in front or that exercises are underway. Therefore, it is better to stop and wait for the permission gesture to continue moving.


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