Symptoms of a bad or faulty oil pump o-ring
Auto repair

Symptoms of a bad or faulty oil pump o-ring

Common signs include low engine oil, oil leaks covering other parts of the engine, and puddles of oil under the vehicle.

The lubrication provided by the oil in your engine is an essential part of keeping your engine running smoothly. There are a number of internal parts in an engine that need to be lubricated in order to function properly. The job of the oil pump is to supply the correct amount of oil to the engine. To maintain the required pressure, the oil pump is sealed with a rubber o-ring. Gaskets and O-rings on an oil pump perform a very specific and important function that is vital to the operation of your engine.

Any part of the car that is related to oil is important and must be controlled. A bad oil pump o-ring can be very damaging to an engine if not found and repaired in a hurry. When an o-ring problem occurs, here are some things you may notice:

1. Low engine oil level

An oil leak can wreak havoc on your engine due to it taking lubrication from the engine's internal parts. A leak can greatly reduce the oil level and oil pressure in the engine. Checking your car's oil level regularly is important because of the warning signs it can give you when something is wrong. If the oil level is low, you will need to inspect the oil pump to make sure the o-ring is not damaged.

2. Oil leak covering other parts of the engine

When an oil pump o-ring starts to leak, it usually soaks other parts of the engine with oil. The oil pump is usually located behind the crank pulley, which pumps oil into the engine compartment. You usually start to notice that the entire timing cover and intake manifold are covered in oil. A quick fix to this problem can save other engine components from damage due to oil leakage.

3. Puddles of oil under the car

Another very common sign you'll notice when it's time to replace the oil pump o-ring is a puddle of oil under the car. Leaking that much oil from your car can cause a lot of problems with internal components. Finding and fixing the issues causing this leak is important to keep your engine functional.

AvtoTachki makes it easy to repair an oil pump o-ring by coming to your home or office to diagnose or fix problems. You can order the service online 24/7. Qualified technical specialists of AvtoTachki are also ready to answer any questions you may have.

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