How much time do we have for fees?

How much time do we have for fees?

Astronomers have found a star very similar to the Sun, located about 300 light years from Earth. HIP68468 is interesting because it shows us the future of the solar system - and this is not very colorful ...

The main attention of scientists was attracted by the strange chemical composition of the star. It seems that it has already swallowed several of its planets because it has so many elements coming from other celestial bodies. HIP68468 is orbited by two more “intact” objects… Interestingly, the simulations done for indicate that in the far future our Mercury will be knocked out of its orbit and he falls into the sun. It is possible that this will lead to the loss of other planets, including the Earth, according to the domino principle.

The scenario may also be such that the accompanying gravitational vortices will push our planet into a further orbit. However, this does not mean that it is better for people, because, in fact, it threatens us. landing outside the zone of life.

When the carbon dioxide runs out

Trouble may start sooner. In just 230 million years, planetary orbits will become unpredictable when they end Lapunov time, that is, the period during which their trajectory can be accurately predicted. After this period, the process becomes chaotic.

In turn, up to 500-600 million years we have to wait for its occurrence at a distance of 6500 light years from the Earth. rozglisk gamma Or supernova hyperenergy explosion. The resulting gamma rays can affect and cause the Earth's ozone layer. mass extinctions similar to the Ordovician extinction, but it would have to be aimed specifically at our planet in order to be able to cause any damage - which reassures many, because the risk of catastrophe is greatly reduced.

After 600 million years increase in the brightness of the sun this will accelerate the weathering of rocks on the Earth's surface, as a result of which carbon dioxide will be bound in the form of carbonates and its content in the atmosphere will decrease. This will disrupt the carbonate-silicate cycle. Due to the evaporation of water, the rocks will harden, which will slow down, and eventually stop tectonic processes. No volcanoes to put carbon back into the atmosphere carbon dioxide levels will drop “Eventually to the point where C3 photosynthesis becomes impossible and all plants that use it (about 99% of species) die out. Within 800 million years, O'Mal's carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere will become so low that C4 photosynthesis will also be impossible. All plant species will die, leading to their death oxygen will eventually disappear from the atmosphere and all multicellular organisms will die out. In 1,3 billion years, due to a lack of carbon dioxide, eukaryotes will die out. Prokaryotes will remain the only form of life on Earth.

“In the distant future, conditions on Earth will be hostile to life as we know it,” the astrobiologist said four years ago. Jack O'Malley-James from the Scottish University of St. Andrews. He made his slightly optimistic prediction based on computer simulations that showed how changes occurring in the Sun could affect the Earth. The astrobiologist presented his findings to the National Astronomical Assembly at the university.

In this scenario the last inhabitants of the Earth will be microorganisms that can survive in extreme conditions. However, they will also be doomed to extinction.. Over the next billion years, the Earth's surface will heat up to such an extent that all sources of water will evaporate. Microbes will not be able to survive for long at such high temperatures and constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

As the researchers note, there are already areas on our planet where life is impossible. One example is the so-called Death Valleylocated in southern California. It has a dry climate with less than 50 mm of precipitation per year, and there are years when it does not rain at all. This is one of the hottest places on earth. The researchers warn that climate change could increase the size of such areas.

In 2 billion years, with a much brighter sun and temperatures reaching 100°C, only small, hidden reservoirs of water will survive on Earth, high in the mountains, where temperatures will be cooler, or in caves, especially underground caverns. Here life will continue for some time. However, the micro-organisms that live in such conditions will eventually not survive the increase in temperature and the ever-increasing ultraviolet radiation.

“In 2,8 billion years, there will be no life on Earth even in a rudimentary form,” predicts Jack O'Malooley-James. The average surface temperature of the globe during this time will reach 147°C. Life will die out completely.

On timescales over 2 billion years, there is about a 1:100 chance that a star will eject the Earth into interstellar space as a result of a close pass near the Sun, and then about a 000:1 chance that it will orbit another star. If this happened, life could theoretically last much longer. If new conditions, temperature and light allow.

It will be 2,3 billion years before the Earth burns up solidification of the Earth's outer core – assuming the inner core continues to expand at a rate of 1 mm per year. Without Earth's liquid outer core the magnetic field will dissipatewhich in practice means depriving you of protection from solar radiation. If the planet isn't exhausted by temperature by then, the radiation will do the trick.

In all variants of events that can happen to the Earth, the death of the Sun must also be taken into account. The process of dying of our star will begin in about 5 billion years. In about 5,4 billion years, the Sun will begin to transform into red giant. This will happen when most of the hydrogen in its center is used up, the helium formed will take up less space, the temperature will begin to rise in its vicinity, and the hydrogen will “burn out” most intensively at the periphery of the nucleus. . The sun will enter the subgiant phase and slowly double its size over about half a billion years. Over the next half a billion years, it will expand at a faster rate until it is approx. 200 times more than now (in diameter) I several thousand times brighter. Then it will be on the so-called red giant branch, in which it will spend about a billion years.

The sun is in a red giant phase and the earth is scorched

The sun is almost 9 billion years old running out of helium fuelwhat will make it shine now. Then it thickens and will reduce its size the size of the Earth, turning white - so it will turn into white gnome. Then the energy that he gives us today will run out. The earth will be covered with ice, which, however, in the light of the previously described events, should no longer matter, because after life on our planet there will not even be memories left. It will take a few billion more years for the sun to run out of fuel. Then it will turn into black dwarf.

Man's dream is to invent a vehicle in the future that will take humanity to another solar system. Ultimately, unless we are killed by numerous possible cataclysms along the way, evacuation to another location will become a necessity. And, perhaps, we should not console ourselves with the fact that we have several billion years to pack our bags, because there are many hypothetical forms of extermination along the way.

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