How much does a Mechanic make in North Carolina?
Auto repair

How much does a Mechanic make in North Carolina?

In the Southeast, North Carolina is one of the top states when it comes to jobs for automotive technicians. Not only are there many jobs available, you will find that the average auto mechanic salary in the state is significantly higher than the national average. Nationally, mechanics earn about $37,000 a year. However, in North Carolina, the average is actually $40,510. It's a little more. However, you can improve this with the right education, training, and a little planning for your career.

Education and certification increase the chances of employment

Before you apply for a job as an automotive technician, you need to make sure that you are as employed as possible. This means getting the right education to start with. A one-year course can provide you with the foundation you need to succeed, and there are many schools in North Carolina that offer auto repair and maintenance courses. Some of the options available include the following:

  • Wake Technical Community College
  • Alamance Community College
  • Randolph Community College
  • Central Carolina College
  • Guildford Technical College

After completing your training and earning your initial certification, you will need to continue to improve. The ASE certification is the industry standard and here you will find several ways to further your education. You can become certified in specialty areas such as electronics or transmission repair, or you can become an ASE Certified Master Technician. This is one of the best options as it makes you very promising and helps secure a higher auto mechanic salary from employers. This is also a very important consideration if you ever want to open your own shop.

Dealer certification is also an option if you will be working with a branded dealership or want to focus on a specific automaker's products. These courses will teach you the systems and designs of a particular car manufacturer. For example, Ford dealer certification will focus solely on Ford technology and vehicles, and what you need to know to service and repair them. Many automakers today work with dealerships to ensure that their technicians are properly certified and trained.

Increase your income by working as a mobile mechanic.

Plan your career - start the process armed with a strategy for where you want to be in the next few years. With the right planning and preparation, you can earn a good salary and enjoy a successful career.

While there are many career options for mechanics, one option you might want to consider is working for AvtoTachki as a mobile mechanic. AvtoTachki specialists earn up to $60 per hour and do all the work on site at the car owner. As a mobile mechanic, you control your schedule, set your service area, and serve as your own boss. Find out more and apply.

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