How much can you earn from dismantling cars
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How much can you earn from dismantling cars

make money on car dismantlingA couple of days ago, the blog was about making money on car resale, but today I decided to share another way of earning money, only it is a little more laborious. This refers to the complete disassembly of machines and their subsequent sale for spare parts. Again, I want to say that all the information that will be given in this article is real and taken from my personal experience.

In general, I like the process of completely disassembling a car, since I get more pleasure from this. And in most cases, I do exactly this type of activity. Below I will try to outline the essence of this process and the subtleties of this “business”.

Find the right disassembly machine

The first step is to find a suitable option for your business. In fact, there are hundreds of cars in the courtyards and nobody needs them in the city, you just need to look for them thoroughly.

Personally, I use both local ad sites and all-Russian ones, mainly Avito. But you should not dismiss the options for a direct search for the owners of abandoned cars that have been standing in the courtyards of the city for years.

The main thing is to find a car at a good (small) price. If this is a VAZ “classic”, then there is simply no point in buying it for more than 10 rubles. Well, unless there is a new engine, gearbox and other units ... which never happens in practice.

Personally, I came across three versions of the “classics” at a price of 5-6 thousand rubles. Moreover, they were on the move and the condition of all units could be checked for operability.

What to look at first?

You should immediately pay attention to the main units, such as the internal combustion engine, gearbox and the rear axle gearbox. The condition of the engine can be checked with measurement of compression in cylinders, as well as independent diagnostic methods. A working motor with a good piston can be sold from 5 rubles and more.

As for the checkpoint, you can only evaluate its work on the go. Clear and easy engagement of all gears without exception, there should be no crunch when shifting, jerking when driving and extraneous hum. The box can go from 2000 rubles. 4-step, and from 4 rubles for a five-step.

About the gearbox. If everything is in order with him, then even at high speed - about 120 km / h and there should be no more howling. If the bridge howls, then it is unlikely to be able to sell it at a good price. At least a working bridge will leave you for 2 rubles.

Even if you sell these basic units, you can already help out about 10 thousand. That is, if you bought a car for the same amount, then it will already pay off.

The rest of the units, such as the starter, generator and carburetor, will be sold for at least 1000 rubles apiece when they are in working order. Wheels, seats, exhaust system, propeller shaft assembly, calipers, interior and body parts (doors, hood, trunk) all very quickly find their customers.

How much can you earn from this?

I got the following situation. I bought a VAZ 2101 for 5 rubles. I disassembled and in a couple of weeks I rescued 000 rubles from her. That is, the net earnings were 11 thousand. This is on condition that there are still quite a few spare parts left for sale.

With the VAZ 2106, the situation is about the same. I bought it for 6000 and sold it for more than 13. Again, there is still a heap of spare parts for sale.

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