Mixing engine oils? Check out how to do it right!
Spring has arrived, which means it's time to check your car regularly. First of all, it is worth checking the engine oil level - if its level is too low, add the right amount. And this is where the stairs begin - do you need to use the same liquid or can you mix oils?
What will you learn from this post?
• Can engine oils be mixed?
• How to mix engine oils?
• When to change the engine oil?
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Mixing of engine oils is possible, provided that their viscosity and quality class correspond. However, you need to choose a product from a trusted manufacturer, since the existing fakes can lead to serious engine damage. The oil should also be changed regularly as it loses its properties over time. Adding it to the waste fluid can lead to engine seizure and costly repairs.
Wrong selection of motor oils - what are the risks?
Before we discuss the issue of proper mixing of engine oils, it's worth looking at first, what can happen to an engine filled with an unsuitable working fluid. Of course, the consequences can be different, and it all depends on both. type of oil usedand the same engine's type. If there is Particulate filter DPFand the oil it contains will be poured a large amount of sulphated ash, the filter may become cloggedand, as a result, a serious accident. The engines they installed pump nozzle, they also need proper lubrication - if the working fluid does not provide them with adequate protection, interacting elements can wear out faster.
This is also important viscosity of engine oils, these too tight are responsible for higher fuel consumption and promote faster engine wear during cold start. Queue oils with too low viscosity have an impact on increased engine wear. This is due to the fact that the produced filter is not strong enough and, therefore, does not separate interacting elements, they are exposed strong pressure Oraz heat. If the filter is broken, components can jam. anyway low viscosity oils have one advantage over thicker counterparts – then the car consumes o much less fueldue to lower hydraulic resistance and lower coefficient of viscous friction. Each car manufacturer indicates what oils should be used for a particular engine. These rules must be strictly observed, otherwise a situation may arise in which the drive unit requires Overhaul Or exchange.
How to safely mix engine oils?
It is worth clarifying one question - engine oils can be mixed with each other... However, certain rules must be followed. It often happens that the oil needs to be changed exactly when we do not have liquid on hand, and it is also not available in the store. Then keep in mind that a different product can be used but must have the same viscosity and quality class. What does this mean in practice? The viscosity of the oil is described according to the SAE classification → e.g. 0W20. Therefore, even if we want to add a different brand of fluid to the engine, has identical markings, you can be sure that such a mixture will be safe for the drive. However, it is worth remembering that this only happens. in the case of goods from well-known manufacturers... Counterfeit products themselves are harmful to the engine, and mixing them can completely disable the engine. Therefore, if you are planning to buy motor oil, choose a proven offer from such manufacturersAs: Castrol, Elf, Shell, Orlen, or Liquid Moly.
What if the engine is filled with a different type of oil? It can fail due to the fact that the fluids do not mix correctly with each other. Some manufacturers include in their instructions information on the possibility of using oils of different grades. However, this is not about mixing liquids, but about them. complete replacement. Therefore, if you decide to use a different type of oil, You must first discard the old product and then refill the reservoir with fresh liquid. Of course, it's worth noting here that this can only be done if the manufacturer has approved the use of an oil of a different class. Unless otherwise stated in the vehicle's owner's manual, modification may result in engine damage.
What about the quality of the oil?
The division into the classification of oils is simple. This causes much more problems. correct regulation of the quality of fluids. So what's next? The best thing is to check out the technology. If the engine is filled with LongLife oil, the added product must also be enriched with this technology, otherwise, this property will be reduced. With regard to the quality of the oils, it is also worth noting that owners of a car with a DPF filter should remember that low ash oils (recommended for such engines) cannot be mixed with other liquids.
Top up or replace? How to identify used engine oil
The question is often asked when to change the engine oil. Unfortunately, adding a new product to the engine and mixing it with used fluid can cause serious engine damage. This liquid is used naturally - the sulfur precipitated from the fuel changes the pH of the oil from alkaline to acidicand this leads to gelation Oraz chemical corrosion. The enrichment additives cease to perform their function, and the liquid becomes more liquid, which is dangerous for the engine, as it can lead to seizure of the working parts. Engine manufacturers recommend a complete oil change after reaching a mileage of 15-20 thousand kilometers. In case of liquids LongLife can be traveled for another 10-15 thousand kilometers. However, it must be remembered that if the vehicle does not reach the specified intervals, the oil should be changed after 12 months... Short routes, frequent plugs and low-quality fuel filling into the tank contribute to faster wear of the working fluid.
Mixing oils remains a controversial issue. Of course, it is better to use the same liquid over and over again, but if a situation arises where you need to use a different product, choose one with the same viscosity grade and quality. Car owners should also consider that if they drive short distances daily, the oil should be changed every 12 months.
Are you looking for a good quality motor oil? You can find it at avtotachki.com. Branded products from the best brands will give you the assurance that Your engine will be maximally protected while driving.
Also check:
Leaking engine oil. What is the risk and where to look for the cause?
What if you add the wrong fuel?
Why is it worth changing the oil more often?
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