Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Idaho
Auto repair

Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Idaho

Idaho defines distracted driving as anything that takes your attention away from driving. This includes electronic distractions as well as interacting with passengers. The Idaho Department of Transportation has divided these distractions into three categories:

  • visual
  • Manually
  • Informative

In 2006, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute reported that almost 80 percent of all crashes were due to driver inattention in the three seconds before the crash. According to this study, the main cause of distraction was mobile phone use, questing, or drowsiness.

There is no ban on talking on a cell phone while driving in Idaho, so you can use both portable and hands-free devices freely. However, texting while driving is prohibited regardless of your age.

Sandpoint is a city in Idaho that bans mobile phones. If you are caught using a mobile phone within city limits, the fine will be $10. However, you cannot be stopped just for using your mobile phone, you must first commit another traffic violation. For example, if you are talking on your cell phone without paying attention and you pass a stop sign, a police officer may stop you. If they see you talking/talking on the phone, they can fine you $10.


  • You can use mobile phones for phone calls, there are no age restrictions.
  • No texting while driving for all ages


  • Start at $85 for texting while driving

Idaho doesn't have many laws or restrictions when it comes to using a portable device in a car. Texting and driving are still prohibited for people of all ages, driving all types of vehicles, so keep this in mind if you live or plan to drive in Idaho. Even with this law, it's a good habit to pull over if you need to make or answer a phone call, because it can distract you from what's going on around you. It is important to pay attention not only to the road, but also to how other vehicles behave around you.

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