Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Oklahoma
Auto repair

Cell Phones and Texting: Distracted Driving Laws in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has become the 46th state in the country to ban texting and driving. The law came into force on November 1, 2015. In Oklahoma, distracted driving is defined as any time when the driver's full attention is not on the road or on the task of driving.

Texting and driving are illegal for drivers of all ages and license levels. Drivers with a learner's or intermediate license are prohibited from using a mobile phone while driving.


  • Drivers of all ages are prohibited from texting while driving
  • Drivers with a learner's license cannot use a mobile phone while driving.
  • Drivers with an intermediate license cannot use a mobile phone while driving.
  • Drivers with a regular operator license can freely make phone calls from a portable or hands-free device while driving.

A law enforcement officer cannot stop a driver just for texting or driving, or for violating cell phone law. For a driver to be stopped, the officer must be able to see the person driving the vehicle in a manner that poses a danger to bystanders, as this is considered a secondary law. In this case, the driver may be cited for texting while driving, along with a citation for the original reason the officer stopped him.


  • The fine for texting and driving is $100.
  • Ignore the road - $100.
  • Drivers with learner's or intermediate licenses may have their license revoked if they use a portable electronic device to send text messages or talk while driving.

Oklahoma has a ban on texting and driving for anyone of any age or driving status. Distracted driving, texting, and cell phone use are considered minor laws in this state, but there are fines if you get pulled over. The driver is advised to put away the mobile phone and focus on the surroundings while driving on the road for the safety of everyone in the car and for the safety of vehicles in the area.

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