Trailer Driving Tips

Trailer Driving Tips

Do not stand on the sides of the trailer, even if you are at cab level. If so, let them pass and slow down or, conversely, pass them with care. Always be extra careful with trailers

Driving a car is a big responsibility, if you do it wrong, you can put your life and the lives of other drivers at risk. It's even more dangerous when we ignore or don't respect the limitations of vehicles other than ours.

Trailers or big trucks are different and the way to drive them is much more complicated than we imagine. 

Its driving conditions are very different and challenging: long stopping distances, a gearbox with more than sixteen gears, constant radio contact, time limits and little rest.

This is why it is very important to know how to drive and respect their space when you are near trailers.

Here we have listed some tips for safe trailer driving.

1.- Avoid blind spots

It is not easy for drivers of large trucks to observe the vehicles around them. They have blind spots that you need to avoid so they can see where you are if they need to stop or turn.

There is a general rule: if you can see the driver in the side mirrors, he can see you. 

2.- pass safely

Before driving around the trailer, pay attention to the vehicles around you. Especially behind you and in your left lane, it is safer for you to overtake on the left because the driver can see you better. See if any vehicles are moving in the opposite direction or about to turn. Stay out of blind spots, turn on your turn signals. Then overtake, do it quickly for safety reasons, and enter only when you see the trailer in your rearview mirror.

3.- Do not cut

Cutting someone off in traffic is a very dangerous behavior because it puts you and other drivers at risk. Large trucks are 20-30 times heavier than conventional vehicles and 2 times slower to come to a complete stop. Clipping a trailer not only means you will be in their blind spots, but you also won't give the driver enough time to react and they could hit you, the heavier the truck, the harder the hit. 

4.- Increase the distance

It is unwise to be too close to large trucks, especially when they are nearby. You should have enough distance between you and the tail of the truck to stop in case of emergency. Following too closely also means you are in the driver's blind spot and could be pushed under the truck.

5.- Pay attention to wide turns

Large trucks are heavy and very long, so they need to maneuver more to turn. So pay attention to turn signals to slow down or avoid them when necessary. 


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