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The deadline for paying the traffic police fine, when you need to pay the received fine

In May 2013, the Duma adopted a law, according to which it became possible to pay fines for traffic violations not within 30 days, as it was before, but within 60 days. This change came into effect due to the fact that notifications were often received late by mail. In addition, many drivers simply forgot to pay minor fines, and the penalty for non-payment was doubled, but no more than 1000 rubles.

Thus, if you were imposed liability in the form of a fine for violating traffic rules, you need to act in this way:

  • if, as a result of a court decision or an official, it was decided that you really violated the rules, you are given 60 days to pay the fine;
  • you also have 10 days to appeal the decision;
  • if after 70 days you still have not paid the fine, the responsible person transfers the case to the bailiffs, who will be obliged to forcibly recover the amount due from you;
  • bailiffs give you another 5 days to pay the fine, but if you haven’t paid the money during this time, then the case is transferred to the justice of the peace, who decides what to do with you next.

The deadline for paying the traffic police fine, when you need to pay the received fine

It is worth noting that, according to the first part of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, sanctions are tightened for refusing to pay fines. So, now you can be required not only to pay a double amount of the fine and be subject to administrative arrest for 15 days, but you can also be forced to take part in compulsory public works for a period of 50 hours - not the best alternative for some small violation, such as exceeding speed for 20 kilometers or stopping in the wrong place. The decision on the measure of punishment is made by the justice of the peace:

  • double the amount of the fine (but not more than 1000 rubles) plus a performance fee of 500 rubles;
  • administrative arrest for 15 days;
  • involvement in community service for 50 hours.

True, due to various bureaucratic delays and an imperfect system for notifying fines, if a court decision has not been brought into force within two years, then you can safely forget about the fine by the statute of limitations (Article 31.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). It is clear that it is not in the interests of the state to lose such an item of income. So, if the "letter of happiness" was not delivered to you, but returned back to the post office, then you are still considered to have been notified of the fine. Therefore, in order not to worry once again, just go to the official website of the traffic police, and see if there are any violations behind you.


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