Should I use a ceramicizer for the gearbox?
Machine operation

Should I use a ceramicizer for the gearbox?

The drive and transmission in a car is made up of many metal parts that are in almost constant contact with each other. For this reason, they are subject to strong friction and, as a result, failure or complete wear. To easily prolong their life, special preparations called ceramizers are used. The Gearbox Ceramizer, because we're going to dedicate today's post to it, is a great way to protect the metal parts of the gearbox. Find out what you need to know about it!

What will you learn from this post?

  • Gearbox Ceramizer - what is it?
  • How to add a ceramicizer to a gear correctly?
  • Why use a ceramicizer?

Shortly speaking

The gearbox is made up of many metal components that are often subject to friction. This ultimately leads to wear and tear. Preventive use of a ceramicizer in gearboxes can significantly extend their service life. However, it is worth reading the application manual before using it to take full advantage of its capabilities.

What is a transmission ceramicizer?

Gearbox Ceramizer (also known as Ceramizer) is a product whose main task is to efficient regeneration and protection of gearbox metal surfacesexposed to friction. This is done in the process ceramizationat which a special metal-ceramic protective layer is created. This is the result of the penetration of the ceramicizer particles into the metal particles in the transmission oil. This coating is characterized by high strength, hardness and low coefficient of friction: it settles on elements subject to metal-to-metal friction (especially worn ones), covering scratches, chips and other microdefects, as well as restoration of the previous geometry of the part... For the ceramization process to be effective, the following factors must interact:

  • preparation (i.e. ceramizer for gears);
  • oil (in this case, transmission oil);
  • metal;
  • heat.

How to apply the ceramicizer to the gearbox?

It is very easy to apply the ceramicizer to the gearbox as it does not require disassembly of the gearbox. The recovery process of metal elements is extended over time and occurs during normal vehicle operation... However, you should always read the instructions and advice from the manufacturer of the drug, because this is the only way we can fully exploit its potential. So, for the Ceramizer CB gearbox ceramicizer, we do the following:

  1. We warm up the oil in the gearbox (for this we drive several kilometers).
  2. We turn off the engine.
  3. Unscrew the gearbox oil filler cap and empty the dispenser with the preparation up to the oil filler hole (remember to keep the correct oil level).
  4. We tighten the oil filler cap.
  5. We cover a distance of at least 10 km at a time with a maximum speed of 90 km / h and a distance of 100 to 300 m in reverse.
  6. We are waiting for the appearance of a ceramic-metal coating - it lasts up to about 1500 km, but during normal operation of the car.
  7. We do not change the oil in the gearbox during the formation of the protective layer!

The recommended amount of ceramizer is as follows: add 1 dispenser for 2-1 liters of oil in the unit, 2 dispensers for 5-2 liters and 5 dispensers for 8-3 liters of oil. Remember that the drug cannot be used in automatic transmissions and differentials with differential or LSD, as they have increased internal friction.

Should I use a ceramicizer for the gearbox?

Advantages of using a serrated ceramicizer

The use of a gearbox ceramicizer offers a number of tangible benefits, such as:

  • regeneration of metal friction surfaces in the transmission;
  • easier gear shifting;
  • reduction of vibration and transmission noise (if you still hear the howling of the transmission, perhaps the Ceramizer will solve the problem successfully);
  • multiple extension of the mechanisms;
  • reducing the amount of heat generated between the friction elements;
  • the ability to continue driving even in the event of an emergency transmission oil leak (up to 500 km);
  • prolongation of the period between oil changes in the gearbox;
  • Correct application of the ceramicizer can in most cases protect against costly repairs to individual components.

Go to and check out our offer of transmission ceramics and other accessories for protecting sensitive vehicle parts. Only their correct operation guarantees safe driving for many years!

Author of the text: Shimon Aniol,

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