Car Theft Insurance - Tips and Clarifications of Principles
Machine operation

Car Theft Insurance - Tips and Clarifications of Principles

For any motorist, car theft is the worst thing that can happen. In light of recent events, when cases of theft just in the middle of the roadway have become more frequent, when the driver is pulled out of the car by force and hidden in an unknown direction, not to mention various unguarded parking lots near entrances, bazaars or shopping centers, everyone tries to protect himself as best he can. However, the best way to get money for a stolen car is through insurance.

Car Theft Insurance - Tips and Clarifications of Principles

As we know, there are several types of insurance in Russia:

  • obligatory OSAGO;
  • voluntary - DSAGO and CASCO.

CASCO just insures the car against theft. That is, you can sleep peacefully and not worry that your car is opened and driven to no one knows where. But there is one big “BUT” - the full “CASCO” is very expensive. The annual cost is estimated at six to twenty percent of the cost of the car. That is, if you have a Renault Duster for 600 thousand, then you must pay at least 30 thousand a year for a policy that will cover not only the cost of the car in case of theft, but also the smallest scratch received when leaving the parking lot.

Car Theft Insurance - Tips and Clarifications of Principles

It is clear that not everyone can afford such expensive insurance. Fortunately, CASCO provides for a variety of situations: you can insure the car against all risks, you can only insure against damage or theft. In the latter option, the cost of the policy is significantly reduced, but any damage or damage from an accident will have to be paid out of pocket.

Separately, it is worth noting that not every insurance company insures only against theft. You can understand the insurers - the driver insures the car, fakes theft after a while, and receives money from the insurance. Some companies offer a cheaper option - theft insurance with a reduced list of risks for damage.

Car Theft Insurance - Tips and Clarifications of Principles

In addition, companies very carefully check the anti-theft systems of the car and put forward a whole list of requirements, up to the presence of a satellite anti-theft system, the installation of which will be very expensive.

That is, on the one hand, we see that anti-theft insurance is much cheaper than full CASCO, but on the other hand, not everyone can get it, for example, no company will undertake to insure an expensive car under three years old exclusively against theft.

Based on all of the above, we can state only one thing - consider all insurance options, take a responsible approach to ensuring the safety of the car, insure it under CASCO only if it is really necessary.


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