Motorcycle Device

Motorcycle candle well: express repair

And yet you wanted to succeed by changing the candles yourself. But when tightened, the resistance of the wrench suddenly weakened, giving the unsettling impression of grinding aluminum shavings ... You just damaged your threads irreparably! No, no, don't cry, MS comes to the rescue.

Fine-threaded motorcycle spark plugs require extra vigilance when replacing them. It doesn't take long to permanently “screw” the threads of the cylinder head with a key to a spark plug rotating in a vacuum. In this case, we naturally think that the solution is to dismantle the cylinder head and install the bushing. There is a lot of work ahead, especially since you can entrust it to a professional who will bill you accordingly ... So, the holidays at Club Med are over this year? But no, rest assured, Wurth has developed another process that allows for very fast external repairs without removing the cylinder head and, as a result, with very low costs. Tonio, one of Luc Motos' mechanics in the Paris area, reveals the secrets of this technique right on the brave Honda CB 500 editor. Sequence of operations.





Motorcycle candle well: express repair - Moto-StationThe sleeve is adapted to your instrument ...
Motorcycle candle well: express repair - Moto-Station… And Tonio covered it with a “thread lock,” a kind of glue that would prevent it from being unscrewed when it was locked into place in the candle well.
Motorcycle candle well: express repair - Moto-StationThe operation requires strong concentration ... At this time, the insert is carefully screwed into the candle well.
Motorcycle candle well: express repair - Moto-StationPhew, everything is ready, the sleeve is in place, the patient is saved! Tonio checks his work for the last time. It remains to screw on the spark plug, put everything in place (hoses, coolant, trim) and you're done! Warning: simple in principle, this repair nevertheless requires real know-how (to avoid eg piston puncture, etc.). Likewise, the purchase of this tool is more expensive than a repair done by a professional ...
Motorcycle candle well: express repair - Moto-StationAs a result, the repair lasted an hour and a half, add the insert, or 12,54 euros, and the coolant to the amount. Depending on the cost of an hour of labor and the availability of a candle well, the amount of the bill can vary significantly. But in any case, this type of repair offers unbeatable value for money and proven reliability. It would be wrong to make life difficult for so little. All that remains is to bring everything home in tow for the last time ...

Thank you for Luke Motorcycles and Tonio for their good contributions to this article.

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