Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

Electronically and mechanically, the DPF can be removed to avoid maintenance costs and increase engine power. However, DPF is mandatory for diesel engines and removal of the protective device is prohibited by the Road Traffic Regulations.

📝 Elimination of FAP: Legal or Not?

Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

Le particulate filter, or DPF, is a protective device that is mandatory for all new diesel vehicles from 2011 onwards. It is also found on some gasoline vehicles, although it is not yet mandatory for these engines.

FAP is on exhaust linewhere it is responsible for filtering the contaminants in the suspension. Then he goes through regeneration cycle... Indeed, these particles accumulate to form a layer of soot.

To eliminate it, the DPF temperature is raised to at least 550 ° Callowing this soot to burn. This allows clear DPF and prevent clogging.

However, this combustion can only take place at minimum engine speeds equivalent to about 3000 rpm. If you take short trips or only ride around town, chances are you will never reach this diet.

This will cause DPF cloggingwhich could damage your engine. In the short term, a clogged diesel particulate filter will mainly lead to a drop in vehicle power. The DPF indicator will alert you to the problem.

If the DPF is clogged, it needs to be cleaned in the garage or even replaced. Of course, this comes with a cost: this is why some motorists are considering DPF Removal pure and simple.

However, be aware that this is illegal to remove DPF from your car. v Code de la Ruth really prohibits removal of the pollution control device, even on gasoline engines where DPF is optional.

Thus, you risk getting a fine of up to up to 7500 €... In addition technical control enhanced to detect and authorize FAP removal. You will need to go through a follow-up visit if the DPF is removed.

🚘 Why remove the FAP?

Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

FAP allows to limit polluting emissions your car, but it usually causes excessive fuel consumption because of his work. It needs to be cleaned regularly and it can cause breakage, which obviously costs money.

Thus, removing the FAP avoids these problems, which is why some drivers want to get rid of it. In addition, DPF elimination allows increase in engine power.

However, removing the FAP is prohibited and authorized Traffic regulations. DPF is mandatory in France on all new diesel vehicles from 2011.

👨‍🔧 How to remove DPF?

Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

Some companies will offer to remove your FAP by signing a disclaimer. Indeed, this process is illegal and you run the risk of getting a fine that can go up to 7500 €.

FAP removal occurs in two stages:

  1. La uninstall software DPF, which consists of reprogramming a computer;
  2. La manual removal DPF, which consists of working on the exhaust line to suppress the action of the particulate filter. The particles continue to pass through it, but are no longer retained, the filter portion is removed.

La electronic DPF suppression and reprogramming the computer is necessary to eliminate the particulate filter, its action and its regeneration, as well as to prevent the appearance of an error code associated with DPF clogging.

💸 How much does FAP removal cost?

Removing FAP: Is It Possible?

Since FAP cancellation is not legal, only a few rare companies offer it. Generally a price is required 150 € average for DPF removal. Remember, you run the risk of getting fines!

Now you know that it is forbidden to delete your DPF on pain of sanctions. It is much better to clean or replace it, especially since you will limit the pollution of your car!

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