Seasick in the car what to do and how to deal
Machine operation

Seasick in the car what to do and how to deal

Almost everyone has experienced seasickness at some point. This disorder got its name from the fact that the first to encounter it were sailors who went on voyages for a long time.

The reason for the disease lies in the fact that it is difficult for the brain to adapt to constant pitching, on the one hand, a person is constantly motionless, for example, sitting in the passenger seat, and at that time the eyes see how different landscapes are floating outside the window, everything around is shaking and staggering.

Seasick in the car what to do and how to deal

Symptoms of motion sickness develop gradually:

  • first of all, a person begins to experience drowsiness and fatigue, begins to yawn and “nod”;
  • at the second stage, cold sweating begins, interruptions in the heart rhythm are observed;
  • the result of all this is “gastric disturbances”: increased salivation, prolonged avalanche-like vomiting, it is also called the “avalanche effect”.

If the symptoms continue for a very long time, then the person falls into a depressed state, he is accompanied by apathy and depression.

It is clear that if you went on a trip to the south or Europe in a car, then such a state can spoil all the impressions of the beautiful views outside the window, and fellow travelers will have a hard time, especially the owner of the car, who will think about how to dry-clean the interior later .

How to deal with motion sickness, how to beat seasickness?

There are a few simple ways that all lovers of long-distance travel in cars, buses, trains, planes and cruise ships should take note.

The most effective medication for motion sickness is Dramina (dimenhydrinate).

This substance suppresses signals from the vestibular apparatus to the brain. Be sure to follow the instructions and take only the indicated amount, otherwise there may be various not very good consequences, up to memory loss and the effect of lethargy.

Seasick in the car what to do and how to deal

Children under three years of age should not be given medication, the best way to deal with motion sickness is to put the child in his child seat comfortably so that the scenery outside the window does not distract him. Having a good night's sleep, the child will forget about seasickness. Maybe during this time you will have time to arrive at your destination.

By the way, sleep will not hurt adults either, many have even developed a conditioned reflex - as soon as they get on a train, bus or car, they immediately fall asleep.

It is best to sleep in a horizontal position or as close to it as possible.

Well, some simple activity helps with motion sickness, for example, a simple conversation with fellow travelers. If there is no one to talk to, then you can do simple gymnastics - bend the spine to the right and left, alternately strain different muscle groups. It is undesirable to read books and solve crossword puzzles: it is harmful to the eyesight, and from constant shaking, the symptoms of motion sickness can manifest themselves with even greater force.

Well, if nothing helps, then you need to stop, get out of the car, get some fresh air and continue the journey.


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