Guided driving: how it works

Guided driving: how it works

Guided driving is a licensed training that includes initial training at a driving school and driving a private car with an attendant. As such, it shares similarities with escorted driving, but is intended for adults.

🚘 What is Controlled Driving?

Guided driving: how it works

La controlled driving it is a type of driving license training. It is age dependent and is intended for applicants aged 18 and over. As a rule, it is of interest to those who have not already passed the practical exam for obtaining a driving license.

The only two conditions for controlled driving are:

  • Be 18 years of age or older ;
  • Have consentcar insurer.

Otherwise, it is possible to register for supervised driving before or after passing the first driving license exam, immediately after registering at a driving school, or later during training. However, before you start guided driving as such, you need to complete some initial training, which includes:

  • One theoretical part which leads to checking the rules of the road;
  • at least 20 hours of practical training.

Supervised driving comrade, you must obtain a code and have a certificate of completion of basic training, that is, have at least 20 hours of driving. Permitting or refusing to supervise a candidate is at the discretion of the driving school.

As with accompanied driving, supervised driving is carried out with an accompanying person who must meet the following conditions:

  • There is Permission B at least 5 years ;
  • Got his consent insurer;
  • Not subject to cancellation sanctions or revocation of a license for the previous 5 years.

It is possible to have multiple guides if they meet all of these conditions. Guided driving is carried out in the car of the guide after confirmation of the initial training and at least 2 hours of driving in the car of the driving school with the guide.

🚗 Supervised driving: how many kilometers?

Guided driving: how it works

Guided driving requires at least 3000 kilometers of travel before you can get your license. This does not apply to guided driving. Unlike escort driving, you do not have controlled driving duration or distance conditions. So you don't no mileage exactly go.

📅 How long does controlled driving last?

Guided driving: how it works

While driving with an escort requires at least one year of driving before passing a license test, supervised driving does not require no longer commitment by distance or duration at least since 2015. Before that, it was necessary to drive at least 1000 km and drive at least 3 months. Today, supervised driving is possible for only a few days.

On the other hand, guided driving does not suspend the test certificate. After obtaining your driver's license, you will have probation 3 years even after controlled driving.

🔎 Supervised or accompanied driving: what to choose?

Guided driving: how it works

Guided and supervised driving have some common features. Both allow you to drive with an accompanying person until you get your driver's license. However, they don't target the same audience and do not have the same test conditions.

Here is a table of the differences between guided and guided driving:

Guided driving allows a young person to learn how to drive a car from an age. 15 years and return a driver's license from 17 years... Guided Driving is for adults who want more driving experience before taking a driving license test.

This is the reason why supervised driving mostly attracts people who have not already obtained a driver's license and want to practice driving in order to gain experience and confidence without spending a significant amount of driving school hours.

🔍 How to drive under supervision?

Guided driving: how it works

To drive with adult supervision, you must first of all fulfill the conditions... If you are over 18 years old, your guide has been licensed for at least 5 years and his insurer has given their consent, you can ask your driving school to teach you how to drive.

You can choose guided driving at the beginning of the training or during it, for example, after a failed driver's license check. But not all driving schools agree to this type of training.

If your driving school agrees or you have referred your case to a driving school that allows supervised driving, you must complete beginning of formation... You must obtain a highway code and then drive for at least 20 hours with a driving school instructor.

After confirming your initial training, you can start controlled driving with your guide. There are no minimum delay or mileage conditions. So you can take the licensing exam as soon as you feel ready. Then you will be under probationary period 3 years, like a classic ticket.

💰 How much does controlled driving cost?

Guided driving: how it works

Guided Driving allows you to have more driving experience with less cost, as the accompanying hours are of course not billed. You only pay for initial tuition (highway code + 20 hours of tuition) at a driving school.

However, 20 hours of initial training is only the minimum. On average supervised driving candidates require 26 h be ready to start driving with your companion. However, candidates undergoing traditional training usually receive training during 35 h average.

Thus, by controlling your driving, you save 10 hours of practical training in the driving school. Typically, an hour of driving at a driving school costs between 40 and 50 €Thus, the cost of controlled driving is more beneficial compared to traditional licenses. In France, the average price of a driver's license is 1800 €.

Now you know everything about controlled driving! Specially designed for adults, it is a good way to get more driving experience before your license exam. But beware: not all driving schools accept a candidate for instructor-led training, especially online driving schools.

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