Installation of 156 charging stations in Var.
Electric cars

Installation of 156 charging stations in Var.

Installation of 156 charging stations in Var.

By the last quarter of next year, the Var department will see 156 electric vehicle charging stations installed in 80 of its rural and urban municipalities without exception.

156 charging stations for electric vehicles in 80 municipalities in Var

Between autumn 2016 and the end of 2017, the 80 voluntary SYMIELEC (Syndicat Mixte de l'Energie des Communes) municipality Var in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) region will be equipped with 156 electric charging stations. The first ones installed are due to be operational by September 2016 and will be located in strategic areas such as road junctions, stations, hospitals, tourist sites, car parks, etc. Municipalities, whether rural or urban, will be equally equipped with these devices.

Free charging stations

A €1,8 million project, the installation of 156 charging stations will be partially funded by ADEME, 40% by the respective municipalities and the rest will be paid by SYMIELEC Var. The terminals will be equipped with four sockets, two of which are for electric vehicles and two for scooters and electric bicycles. They will also provide 3kW and 22kW of power, giving a full charge time of 1 hour 30 minutes to 8 hours from an electric vehicle. For two years, parking near these terminals will be free, and their access will certainly be regulated through the issuance of an RFID card compatible with other networks issued by the energy union.

Source and photo: Var Matin

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