Van Schering and Van Puling, what is the difference and what are the prospects
Construction and maintenance of Trucks

Van Schering and Van Puling, what is the difference and what are the prospects

Difficult times for those unfamiliar with Anglo-Saxon terms: enough time to learn the meaning of the term divisionwhich has now become commonplace in many areas of mobility, and behold an association which reminds in general terms of something similar, but quite different in practice.

Both of these expressions actually point to formulas division means, however, they are not the same, and above all in commercial transport at the moment they offer very different applications. This is what they are.

Sharing, the same means pay “by turn”

The term "sharing" is used to refer to short term rent, even very short ones, as there are solutions hourly payment... In this case, the meaning of "sharing" is to be found in the fact that the same media can be used more users even on the same day. This is because the owner, who is basically a rental company, makes it available with flexible solutions... And this service has been around for a very long time.

From electric vans to campers

Among the most recent forms of sharing are electric vans, which have proven to be a practical solution for delivery to for short distances in urban areas, more or less sporadically, with different initiatives launched in different cities. In the world camper, thanks to platforms like Yescapaon the other hand, the actual lease of a car owned by частный which thus can make better use of the vehicle and partially cover the maintenance costs.

Van Schering and Van Puling, what is the difference and what are the prospects

Unification, travel together

An expression pool is used to indicate usage modern funds by several users and is used primarily for passenger transport as a kind of transfer. Organized by companies or directly by users through apps and digital platforms, allows you to join a collective rental minivan or just getting a snippet from others tried on a specific route (something like what happens with a known application Uber).

Van Schering and Van Puling, what is the difference and what are the prospects

"Passage" also for goods

However, there is also a commercial vehicle pooling option that can take advantage of this. free space on board vehicles that make a specific journey to transport their goods. This happens, for example, with DriveMe, which uses the usual translations car rental companies from one city to another to offer transport at very low prices, starting from Only.

Concept from unification it could then also be extended to the concept of vehicle sharing between multiple users, all owners or users, but who alternately use the vehicle for a certain period of time, or combining it.

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