Motorcycle Device

Return the motorcycle after an accident

Getting behind the wheel after an accident is not easy, and understandably so. In addition to the physical consequences, there are also psychological trauma that a fall or loss of control can cause. If you don't like returning to the road after a motorcycle accidentso it's ok.

On the other hand, if you are anxious to get back in the saddle, it’s just as natural. In fact, it all depends on the person received injuries and at the same time on the severity of the accident. But a priori, nothing prevents you from getting back on the bike after an accident if you want. However, provided that you do everything right ...

How to get on a bike after a fall? When can I return my motorcycle after an accident? How to overcome your fear of driving? 

Check out our tips for riding your motorcycle with confidence after an accident.  

When to return to the motorcycle after an accident?

Bikers who decide to stop riding a motorcycle after an accident are especially rare. Most of the time, when they wake up in the hospital, the biggest enthusiasts ask themselves: when can i go back to the bike? If this is your case, the answer is simple: when you are healed both physically and mentally.

Returning a motorcycle after a crash after a recovery period

Regardless of whether you are seriously injured or not, it is very important not to get back on the motorcycle until you have completely healed from your injuries. They can really restrict you and pose a huge risk on the road. The pain can be distracting, it can take away your full control of the ship, and it can prevent you from responding in a timely manner. You risk causing another accident as a result.

And this also applies to physical and psychological trauma... There is no point in going back to the road if you bounce at the slightest noise, if you block, when you collide with another vehicle, or in a more or less similar situation. For your own safety and for the safety of those around you, give yourself time to discover and accept the consequences of the accident for you; and, of course, heal. Don't rush anything.

Follow the recommended recovery period, or even longer if you deem it necessary. If necessary, do not neglect rehabilitation sessions and do not hesitate to consult if the injury is significant. It is even recommended. Before returning to your motorcycle after an accident, you must be sure to return all your funds - physical and psychological.

How do you know if the time is right?

It will be completely up to you. In fact, there is no recommended period for which you will continue to "recover". For some people, passion quickly overcomes fear. Then they manage to get back into the saddle rather quickly. In other cases, it may take longer. But this does not mean that they are weaker than others.

So don't let others influence you, and from their experience. Because each person is unique, and the healing time is necessarily different for each person. To find out the correct time, listen to yourself. If you are afraid or unsure about getting on your bike after an accident, do not force yourself.

Return the motorcycle after an accident

How to get back on the road after an accident?

Again, there is no manual. But you must understand that this moment is not trivial, and that in order to succeed without bringing back bad memories, you must follow certain rules.

Determine the causes of the accident first

It is very important. Knowing the cause (s) of the accident is vital. Whether you are responsible for it or not, knowing what really happened and determining the cause of the fall will kill two birds with one stone:

  • Heal fasterbecause it will be easier for you to regain your confidence.
  • Be carefulbecause you probably won't make the same mistake again.

The reason for this is human (lack of control, excessive speed, error in judgment, lack of reflex) or mechanical.

Do not take to heart!

Have you stopped riding a motorcycle for a while? Don't believe those who say it's like riding a bike. Because in the case of two wheels, the less you exercise, the greater the risk.

You have to pick up the bike a little to get used to it back on the road and allow reflexes to gradually return. Feel free to repeat the off-traffic driving exercises or, why not, take refresher courses to get back into the world.

Should I change my motorcycle or not?

Some people change their motorcycle altogether after an accident. But this is not necessary if your machine is still serviceable and has been properly repaired. Once you have pinpointed the cause of the failure and fixed the problem, if it is mechanically related, you can proceed.

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